MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 8.375 x 6, ff. 319 + 2, 28 lines to a page.  Early 15th cent., fairly

 well written. 

    Old binding, skin over boards.

    Donor, T. C. S.  Priced 3li.                                                                         2 fo. ut de.

    From Grantham.  As Canon Warren  has noted, there is a special prominence given to St Wulfram, to whom Grantham Church is dedicated: we have also the office for the Translation of St Hugh, peculiar to Lincoln diocese.

    Collation:  2 flyleaves, 112 - 2612 274 284 (1 canc.).



         Legendary for the year.

         In natali S. Andree Ap.  Lectio prima.

         Proconsul egeas patras ciuitatem.

         At 219b: Lessons in transl. S. Hugonis Ep.

                        3 lessons de S. Hugone.

                        3 medie de S. Fide.

                        3 ult. de S. Hugone.

         At 226b: In natali S. Wlfranni ep.

                        9 lessons, and 3 for each day in the Octave.

         At 263: S. Hugonis ep. lincoln, 9 lessons, 6 de propr., with note after lect VI,

             "Extra diocesem lincoln, lect. de S. Aniano."

         At 277: Dedicatio ecclesie.

         At 284: Lectiones de S. Maria.

         At 289b: Common of Saints.

         At 315: Hec omelia dicatur in domin. infra oct. nativ. B. Marie.

         Added later.

         At 317b: In Nat. SS. MM. crispini et crispiniani ix lect. iiies prime lect. de

             martyribus et tres medie lect. de translacione S. Joh. beuerlaci.  This was

             ordered in 1416: hence the body of the book is earlier than that date.

         SS. David and Chad (ordered in 1397 and 1415) are in the text, but not S. Winifred.