MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 8.125 x 5.75, ff. 125 + 6, 54, 37 etc. lines to a page.  13th cent., closely

written: several hands.

    Old binding, skin over boards, fastening gone.

    Given by Jer. Holt.

    From Bury St Edmunds.  It has the press-mark S.26.

    On flyleaf:

      Quaternus monachorum S. Edmundi in quo continetur Summa de uiciis optima

et integra.

    Also, on f. 1:

                                                   Liber S. Edmundi.


    Collation: 3 flyleaves, 18 216 316 (12 canc.) 416 514 616 716 812 912, 3 flyleaves.


         Guillelmi Peraldi Summa de uiciis.

         Dicturi de viciis singulis

              -locutum esse aliquando penituit tacere uero nunquam.  Expl. Summa de


         The hand changes several times, and there are many marginal notes.

         On 125b: Note from Bernard on Ecce ancilla domini, etc.  On the next leaf

           (a slip): Pertinet dompno Roberto ypswych (over erasure) monacho and four

           verses: Vir caueas quid tu iubeas dum magnus haberis, etc.

         At the end is a folded leaf of a large music book of the 13th cent.  On the outside are

           two songs in French and Latin written in alternate lines, with music on a five

           (and six) line stave. 

                                                                                      tecis (?)        

         The French song begins: En aueril al tens (?). . . delits (?) ke oysels funt chanter si

           gay quant rechet li tens iolifs en contre la seysun de may. et dames et damaysels

           sunt  plus | quentes e plus beles deuis bloy culure. et checun en sa manere de

           amer fet semblant et chere cum cil ki est en amure lors mi so | mrint (?) bon

           amer et bele dame sanz mentir ke ieo soye nuit et iur de qo r pensifs, etc.

         The Latin: O Christi clementie mire mira fecunditas parens innocencie tu

           perpetrata pondera et errores corrigendo cru|cis hostes sustinendo affligis

           christicolas cur romana relegatur sedes sacra dum pulsatur egypti gen-

           tilitas, etc.

         Compare the fragments of a song-book in MS. C. C. C. 8.

         The other side is in two columns and has hymns to St Bartholomew.

         O sancte Bartholomee plebs fidelis hodie | gratulatur et letatur per te dux

           eterne, etc.

         O sancte Bartholomee plebs deuota dignas tue lau|des dat memorie, etc.


    One flyleaf at the beginning is a fragment of an account roll (no doubt

of Bury Abbey) of the late 13th cent., chiefly concerning payments to the

Carectarius, payments for grinding, and for purchase of corn.    

Manuscript extra information


P. M. Lefferts, 'Two English motets on Simon de Montfort', in Iain Fenlon (ed.), Early music history, vol. 1, Studies in Medieval and Early Modern music (Cambridge, 1981). 


The folded leaf of a large music book is now kept separately.  For a description of this leaf see Gilbert Reaney (ed.), Manuscripts of polyphonic music: 11th-early 14th century, RISM B; 4, 1 (Munich, 1966), pp. 480-1.


On the outside of this leaf:


a) End of Tenor of a Motet:


[Benedica] mus Domino.


b) Motet for three voices,


En averil al tens delits (music not written in)


O Christi clementiae mirae




On the inside of this leaf:


a) Motet in honour of St Bartholomew for three voices,


O sancte Bartholomee plebs fidelis hodie


O sancte Bartholomee plebs deuota dignas


Bartholomee miseris succurre te petentibus  (Apparently a ground bass.)


b) Miles Christi gloriose Symon certans in agone


Plorate cives anglie magnanimum.


A. Gransden, St Edmundsbury and Cambridge: exhibition catalogues for manuscripts now in collections in Cambridge (Cambridge, 1994).


R.H. Rouse & M.A. Rouse (eds.), Henry of Kirkestede, Catalogus de Libris Autenticis et Apocrifis, Corpus of British Medieval Library Catalogues 11 (London, 2004) p.510 (K642.2).