Vellum, 7.25 x 5.125, ff. 97 + 3, 21–22 lines to a page. 15th cent., large clear
Skin over boards, clasps gone.
Donor, T. C. S. 2 fo. sunt omnia.
From the Charterhouse of Henton (Hinton) in Somerset. On flyleaf:
Iste libellus constat domui loci dei de henton ordinis Carthusie Orate supplico pro
anima fr. Johannis Clerk quondam monachi dicte domus et scriptoribus huius opusculi
cui nomen intitulatur: Veni mecum in adiutorium.
At the end:
Sum thome fletcher liber ordinis carth vel verius loci dei de henton
Collation: 3 flyleaves, 110 28 – 128 (8 stuck to cover).
On flyleaf devotions (xv-xvi).
Rex sanctorum angelorum.
Capitula (16).
Cap. 1. Anselmus de examinacione mortis perpetue pene et sempi-
terne glorie . . . . . . . . . . . f. 1
Ad insinuandam interioris hominis custodiam.
Cap. 16 ends 93b: continue tue benignitati assistam. Amen.
The text consists of extracts from Anselm, Bernard, Ughtred,
the Horologium sapientiae, Bartholomeus in libro qui vocatur
Florarium, etc.
N. R. Ker, Medieval Libraries of Great Britain (London, 1964), pp. 101 and 269.
The flyleaf description is reproduced and discussed by A. I. Doyle, 'Book production by the monastic orders, 1375-1530' in L. L. Brownrigg (ed.), Medieval book production: assessing the evidence: proceedings of the 2nd conference of the seminar in the history of the book to 1500, Oxford, July 1988 (Los Altos Hills, California, 1990), 14.
On John Clerk, C. W. Dutschke et al., Guide to Medieval and Renaissance manuscripts in the Huntington Library, vol. 1 (San Marino, 1989), Huntington HM 266, Walter Hilton's Scale of perfection, 229-30.
Dom. Hugh Farmer, 'The Meditacio Devota of Uthred of Boldon' in Y. M. J. Congar et al., Analecta monastica, Studia Anselmiana philosophica theologica, 5th series, 43 (Rome), 187-206, uses this MS.
Mildred Elizabeth Marcett, Uhtred de Boldon, friar William Jordan and 'Piers Plowman' (New York, 1938).