MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 7.875 x 5, ff. 110, 25 lines to a page.  12th cent., very finely written.

    Donor, T. C. S.                                                                              2 fo. seruite.

    Collation: 18 - 138 14? (six).


       Psalter of Jerome's "Hebrew" version.

       A fine initial in gold and colour to Beatus uir, f. 1.

       Initials with more ornament than the rest but without gold to Dominus lux mea.

       f. 17, Dixi custodiam, 27b.

       Quid gloriaris (gold and colour), f. 37.

       Without gold, Salua me, f. 47b.  Jubilate, 60.

       Cantate (gold and colour), 72.

       Domine exaudi, gold and colour, 73b.

       Dixit dominus              . . .            84b.

       Text ends f. 110b.