MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 6.625 x 4.5, ff. 206 + 6, 31, 25, etc. lines to a page.  13th cent., in

various hands, some very good.

    Donor, T. C. S.                                                               2 fo. generalia bona.

    Collation: 4 flyleaves, 112 - 1312 144 | 1512 1612 1710 1812, 2 flyleaves.

    Perhaps from Robertsbridge in Sussex.  On the flyleaf, among other

notes, is (xv) a form letter, asking for prayers from members of other

monastic houses.  It is from:

                            W. miseracione diuina abbas. Mon. b. Marie de K,

but ends:

    Valeant iste nostre litere post earum confeccionem per triennium et uos cum domino

in eternum (i.e. ualeatis).  Dat. apud pontem Roberti in domo nostra capitulari sub sigillo

nostro communi. x. d. m. a. a.

    [The conclusion on the 1st flyleaf: the text on the 2nd.]



    I.  1.  Inc. liber qui dicitur speculum iuniorum de malo culpe et pene.   f.  1

                 Rationalem creaturam.

              Apparently ends f. 132a: nec pasci a parentibus debuit.

                 Verso blank.

         2.  Sermo S. Bernardi de IIIIor debitoribus    .         .         .         .         133

              In uia estis fratres que ducit ad uitam.  (CLXXXIII 596.)

                   -appareatis cum ipso in gloria.

         3.  De horologio Achaz   .         .         .         .         .         .         .          135b

              Denotacio quindecim graduum

                     -nec uanitas in dictis.

         4.  Change of hand.  S. Bernard on the Rule of St Benedict.

                 (CLXXXIII. 623)     .         .         .         .         .         .         .         136b

              Admonet nos b. benedictus fratres solicitos esse circa cogita-

                 ciones nostras.

                  -in conspectu glorie magni dei qui est in sec. benedictus.


              Note from Comestor, 147.

              147b blank.  On 148, 149 is some current writing partly erased,

                 in French, on the monastic life.

              ff. 150-156 blank.

   II.  5.  A table of the days of the year, headed .          .         .         .         .    157

              Hic nota. . .  que sentencia quolibet die per annum legatur.

              The sentences are from the Rule of St Benedict.

              158b-160b blank.

              Inc. prol. Regule S. Benedicti abb.  .             .          .         .         .     161

              Ausculta o fili.

              deo protegente peruenies.  Amen.

              Notes and extracts    .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .     184

         6.  Bernardus de precepto et dispensacione          .         .         .         .     186

              Domino Abb. Columbensi.

              Qua mente iam tacebo.  (CLXXXII 861.)

              Ends unfinished, f. 201a.

              Later notes follow.

              On the last page is some rhyming Latin (xiv-xv).

              Christe ffili summi patris · per amorem tue matris.

                                                         . . .

              In celesti Jherusalem.  ubi collocer in requiem

              Dei infinita seculorum secula.  Amen.

Manuscript extra information


Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.