Vellum, 9.375 x 6.5, ff. 96, 31 lines to a page. 12th cent., well written.
Old binding, white skin over flat boards, clasp gone, chain-mark on 2nd
cover, flaps at top and bottom of back.
Donor, T. C. S.
From Buildwas Abbey, Shropshire. On f. 91b in large letters:
Liber Sancte Marie de Bildeuuas.
At top of f. 1, R. Benet (xvi), cf. C.9. Priced 40S.
Collation: i8 - xi8 (+ 1) xii8 (1, 2, 4, canc., 8 stuck to cover). On 67b is a
slip of 13th cent., with a supplied passage.
1. Epistola b. Bernardi abb. Clareuall. ad Ailredum abb. . . f. 1
Est quidem sanctorum uirtus permaxima
-mihi qui inuitum coegerim imputetur.
Inc. prefacio abbatis Ailredi in librum de speculo caritatis . 1b
Uere sanctorum uera et discreta
-neglegendum decernite.
Capitula lib. I-III . . . . . . . . 2b
Inc. liber qui inscribitur de speculo caritatis. (Cap. I). . . 4b
Extendisti domine sicut pellem celum tuum (CXCV 505).
Change of hand on 36b. Lib. II, 38b; III, 60.
Ending 91b: aput iustum et misericordem iudicem intercedat.
Expl. lib. Aelredi abbatis Riewallis de speculo karitatis.
Then the inscription of ownership.
2. In another hand, 4 columns to a page.
Rabani Mauri cena . . . . . . . . 91b
Domino excellentissimo atque serenissimo regi lothario ultimus
-animum legentis attolleret.
Quidam uir magnus et prepotens rex habitans in partibus
orientis nomine abbatheos habensque unicum filium uocabulo
Ends f. 93b: congratulantes ad domum propriam sunt reuersi.
This revision of the Coena Cypriani was printed from a
damaged MS. at Berne by Hagen, in Zeitschr. f. wissensch.
Theol. XXVII. The present copy is complete.
Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.
J. M. Sheppard, The Buildwas books: book production, acquisition and use at an English Cistercian monastery, 1165-1400, Oxford Bibliographical Society publications, 3rd series, vol. 2 (Oxford, 1997).
For section 1, 'Epistola b. Bernardi abb. Clareuall ...', see Migne Pat. Lat. 195, col. 501.