MRJ number
College classmark

    Two volumes, 10 x 6.625.

    Binding, white skin over boards, clasps gone, chain-mark at bottom of front


    Formerly in the Library of Peterhouse, Catalogue no. 279.


    I.  ff. 72.  12th cent., in a small fine hand.

    The flyleaves at each end are from a large MS. of Civil Law (?) of the 14th cent., foreign.  At the end of Vol. 1 is the note: precium dimidiae

marcae.                                                        2 fo. a rethoribus.

    The upper half of f. 1 is cut off: on f. 2 is

                                        Ex dono Guilhelmi Beale presidis.

    Collation: i8 - v8 vi8 (wants 1) vii8 viii8 ix10 (wants 10 blank).


         Quintilianus de institutione oratoria1, beginning imperfectly:

         constaret potior mihi ratio uiuendi honeste (1 2)  .         .         .         .         .     f. 1

         Change of hand at f. 57.

         Ends f. 71b in lib. XII 10. 44 (de genere dicendi):

         elaborare sed cum debeat delectare.

         f. 72a is blank.  On 72b in a hand of the 12th cent. is a note, from

           Aul. Gell. N. A. III vi, on the property of the palm-tree to resist

           weights hung on its branches, beginning

         per hercle rem mirandam Aristoteles in VIIo problematorum et

           plutharcus in VIIIo symphosiacorum dicunt.  Si super palme

           inquiunt arboris lignum magna pondera imponas.

         Followed by other notes from VII xiii, etc.

         There are also late notes on this and other pages.

    II.  ff. 25.  14th cent.  At the end, the note: precium quatuor

solidorum ad minus.                                     2 fo. intus suscipiendo.

    Collation: 112 212 (+12*).


         Dominus Robertus Lincolniensis de oculo morali   .         .         .         .          .        1

         Si diligenter uolumus in lege domini meditari.

         Ends f. 24b: in solio suo colligat et illic erigantur.  Ad quod

           regnum nos perducat qui uiuit et regnat.

         Expl. scriptum de oculo [editum per venerabilem lincolniensem


         A table follows.

         At the end are verses in a neat 15th cent. hand.

         Phillidis exemplo nimium secreta cauete.

         Lese uir a domina.  lesa puella viro.

         Quid nisi secrete leserunt phillidia silue.

         Certa necis causa · incomitata fuit.     



1 This copy was used by Edmund Gibson for his Oxford edition of 1693;

and by F. H. Colson in his edition of Liber I (Cambridge, 1924).

Manuscript extra information

Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.