MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 10 x 6.625, ff. 64 + 2, double columns of 37 lines.  Early 13th cent., in a good hand.

    Donor, T. C. S.

    From Beauchief Abbey (Premonstratensian), Derbyshire.

    On flyleaf is:

                                  Liber iste est de armario de Bello capite.

    Collation: 2 flyleaves, 18 - 88.

    On the flyleaves are a good many notes of the 13th cent., and the title, Liber petri Alfonsi.


        Petrus Alphonsus aduersus Judaeos    .         .         .         .         .         f. 1

        Uni et eterno primo qui caret principio (CLVII 535)

                   -sitque mirabile nomen eius benedictum in sec. sec. Amen.

        Dixit sequentis operis compositor.  Omnipotens suo nos spiritu


        On f. 6 are two diagrams, the first depicting the habitable areas of

        the earth and its division into 7 climata, and the second the

        movement of the sun relative to the earth.

        On f. 38b is a diagram of the letters of the tetragrammaton symbolizing the Trinity.

        At the bottom of f. 53a is a scribble in French in pencil.

        Ends imperfectly in Titulus xii, f. 64b:

        Si cruces alias ad eius similitudinem faciamus.  ii (?) qui.

Manuscript extra information

Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.

Similar diagrams to those on fols. 6 and 38v can be found in MS E.4 on fols. 122, 122v, and 153v.

MS D.11 and MS E.4 are discussed in C. Cardelle de Hartmann, D. Senekovic and Thomas Ziegler, 'Modes of variability: the textual transmission of Petrus Alfonsi's Dialogus' (Micrologus' Library 66: Petrus Alfonsi and His Dialogus: Background, Context, Reception, 2014) and C. Cardelle de Hartmann and D. Senekovic in 'Reading Petrus Alfonsi before the Talmud trials: the manuscript evidence' (Late Antique History and Religion 21: Jewish-Christian Disputations in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 2020).

Manuscript images