MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 10.125 x 7, ff. 232 + 3, double columns of 34 lines.  15th cent., clearly written.

    Rough skin over boards, clasps gone: chain-mark at bottom of first cover.

    Donor, T. C. S.                                                          2 fo. vel prolocuntur.

    In the book is a label of the15th cent., formerly on the cover, inscribed:

                                              De collacionibus abbatum.

    On the cover is a damaged title, probably 'Johannes cassianus.'

    Collation:  2 flyleaves, 18- 298, 1 flyleaf.

    On the flyleaf:

                           Tituli collacionum contentorum in hoc uolumine.


        Inc. prefacio Iohannis heremite in decem collacionibus missa ad

           papam leoncium et Elladium fratrem karissimum.  Prefacio    .   f.  1

        Debitum quod beatissimo pape Castorio (XLIX 477)

               -instituta properemus.

        Capitula     .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .           2

        Inc. collacio abbatis moysi de monachi destinacione uel fine id est

           stopon (skopos ) uel thelos (telos).  Prima         .         .                 2

        Cum in heremo scithie.

        Coll. 24 ends f. 229a: ociosa obliuione depereunt.  Expl. collacio

           Abbatis theone tercia.

        Blank leaves follow.

Manuscript extra information

Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.