MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 11.5 x 8.5, ff. 8 + 352 + 4, double columns of 66 lines, three volumes.

 13th cent. in more than one excellent small hand.                              2 fo. insit.

    Donor: T. C. S.

    Collation: 2 flyleaves, a8 I8 – XVII8 XVIII2 | 198 – 448 | 458 (wants 7, 8):

2 flyleaves.

    Slips of a court roll or account roll (16th cent.?) in the binding.


    I.      1.    The first quire is in a different hand from the bulk of the

                      volume, and a very pretty one, the ink paler than the rest.

                      At top is a general title in red.

                    Summa magistri martini et questiones theologie a cantuar.


                    The text begins:        

                               Omnis scientia . . . utitur regulis

                   and relates to God and to the sacraments.  It ends unfinished (?)

                      f. 8b: id etiam in quo fit confirmatio siue crisma.

              2.   Inc. summa questionum theologie a magistro Martino conpilata          f.  9

                    Cautum est in sacris constitutionibus ut lex dei cum legitur.

                    ff. 19-24 are a good deal soiled. 

                    Ends  f. 144: illam amisit pro parte.

                    Hoc opus exegi quod nec Iouis ira nec ignes.

                    12 lines ending:

                    Infra se positas extinctus amabitur idem.

                    Expl. summa quest. theol. a mag. martino compilata. deo gratias.

                    A table of the questions follows in another hand    .         .         .          144

                    Ending f. 146a: verso blank.

II.          3.   Inc. summa magistri Stephani     .         .         .         .         .         .         147

                    De hiis que dicuntur de deo.

                    Cum diuersa dictionum genera dicantur de deo.

                                -prouenit ex incorruptione mentis.

                    Expl. summa mag. Stephani.

                    I cannot find particulars either of the Summa or of the Questiones

                      which follow, nor have I seen any other copy of them.

              4.   Inc. questiones mag. Stephani de longeton Cantuariensis

                      archiepiscopi    .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .      171

                    De correptione fratris.

                    Si peccauerit in te frater tuus.

                    A good many small blanks occur.  After col. 1 of f. 278b is a

                      considerable one which is partially filled by questiones,

                      partly in the hand of the first quire.

                    Queritur cum babtizatur puer ad quem dirigatur sermo.

                    The third and longest is on 279b.:

                    Questio est de libro uite, ending 281b: 282 blank.

                    On f. 283: Stephanus continues: De hoc uerbo. dixit deus

                      fiat lux.

                    f. 306 is blank.

                    Ending f. 345b: quare non similiter fit in scolis.  Responsio       

                      facilis est.

                    This is in the section de acceptione personarum.  It is un-


                    On f. 346 is a list of the questions in xxxiii divisions, the text

                      only goes down to the end of the xxiii rd.

              5.   Supplementary questions in a hand like that of the first quire   .        .   347

                    Super illum locum mathei. bonus homo de bono thesauro.      

                    The last leaf is more like quire a than the rest.  It ends with

                      a paragraph.

                    Item teneor dare pauperi Electuarium  quod ualet c. libras

                        -quod domino in pauperibus placeat hoc.

                    Verso blank.

Manuscript extra information

Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.  Text in gutter margin (annotations), not legible on film.

H. Jorrisen, Die Entfaltung der transsubstantiationslehre bis zum Beginn der Hochscholastik 28:1 (Munster, 1965).

Riccardo Quinto, 'Doctor Nominatissimus: Stefano Langton (1228) e la tradizione delle sue opere', Beiträge zur Geschichte der Philosophie und Theologie des Mittelalters. Neue Folge 39 (Münster: Aschendorff, 1994).

Riccardo Quinto, 'Die Quaestiones des Stephan Langton über die Gottesfurcht (eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Riccardo Quinto)', Cahiers de l'Institut du Moyen Age grec et latin 62 (Copenhague: Université de Copenhague, 1992) pp. 77-165.

Riccardo Quinto, 'Giubileo e attesa escatologica negli autori monastici e nei maestri della "sacra pagina"', Medioevo 26 (2001), 25-109.

F. M. Powicke, Stephen Langton (Oxford, 1928).

Alys L. Gregory, 'The Cambridge manuscripts of the Questiones of Stephen Langton', The New Scholasticism 4:2 (April 1930), 165-226.

Alys L. Gregory, 'Indices of rubrics and incipits in the principal maunscripts of the Questiones of Stephen Langton', Archives d'histoire doctrinale et litteraire du Moyen Age 5 (1930), 221-60.

F. 192 verso, a later hand, which occurs frequently in corrections, has inserted a passage which fills a gap or erasure of five lines and the lower right-hand margin.  'It is continued on a small schedule which was at one time stitched into the quire.  This … passage … contains references to Prepositinus and Peter of Corbeil', F. M. Powicke, Stephen Langton (1928), p. 69 note 2, and p. 185 note 3.  

S. Ebbesen and L. B. Mortensen, 'A partial edition of Stephen Langton's Summa and Quaestiones with parallels from Andrew Sunesen's Hexaemeron', Cahiers de L'Institut du Moyen-Age Grec et Latin, 49 (1985), 25-224.

Riccardo Quinto & Magdalena Bieniak (eds.), Stephen Langton Quaestiones theologiae : liber I. (Oxford, 2014).