Vellum, 11.75 x 7.75, ff. 228, 29 lines to a page. Late 15th cent. written in Italy, in a Roman hand.
Binding of 16th and 17th cent., with a handsome gilt oval stamp on each cover.
Donor, T. C. S. Priced iiiili xs. 2 fo. Et fontes.
Collation: 18 210-710 88 910 - 2110 228 2310 246 (wants 5, 6).
Virgilii Maronis Boccolicorum liber inc. (title in red capitals) . f. 1
The lower margin and a piece of the R. margin near the top have
been cut out.
There is a fine partial border of white branch-work on ground of
gold, green, red and blue dotted with white: a gold initial on
similar ground. On L. a green parrot. Each eclogue (and each
book of the Georgics and Aeneid) has a like initial and partial
Georgica . . . . . . . . . . 15
Ending f. 54.
Buccolica et Georgica Maronis fincipit (sic) foeliciter.
Inc. proemium in libros Vergilii Maronis foeliciter . . . 54b
Primus habet libyam ueniunt ut troes in urbem, etc
Ille ego qui quondam gracili modelatus auena, etc.
Text of Aeneid begins f. 55a.
Ends f. 228b: Aeneid. Virg. Mar. Lib. XII et ultimus finit foeliciter.
Ioan. de Monasterio scripsit.
There are two sets of notes. One by an English hand of 15th and 16th cent., which chiefly gives glosses in English and Latin of single words throughout the book. The other in Roman hand writes a continuous comment filling up the margins, from about Aen. I 601 to III 418, where it ends abruptly and is not resumed.
Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.
The scribe of this manuscript was working in Rome in about 1460, writing manuscripts for Pope Pius II, etc. His full name was Johannes Hornsen Monasteriensis. See Jose Ruysschaert, 'Miniaturistes "Romains" sous Pie II', Enea Silvis Piccolomini-Papa Pie II (Siena, 1968) p. 253, no. 44 and plate.