MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 9.5 x 6.5, ff. 104 + 6, 26 lines to a page.  15th cent., in good narrow upright English hand.

    Donor, T. C. S.  Priced 20S.

    From the London Charterhouse.  On f. 104b is: Liber domus Carthusie

prope Londonias.  On f. 1:  R. Wittonus.  At the end in pencil: Libellus


    Collation: a4 18 - 138 b2.


       To {th}e worschip and laude of {th}e trinite be {th}is werk begunne and

           endid amen.  {Th}e prologe.

       This boke {th}e whiche is cleped {th}e myrour of symple soules I moost

           unwor{th}i creature and out cast of alle o{th}er many {y}eeris goon wrote

           it out of french in to englisch.

       . . . and in {th}ese fewe places {th}at I putte yn more {th}an I  fynde writen

           I wole bigynne wi{th} {th}e firste lettre of my name .M. and ende wi{th}

           {th}is lettre .N. {th}e furste of my surname. 

       -to correcte and amende {th}ere {th}t  I do amys.

       Heere endi{th} {th}e prolog of {th}e translatour {th}at drowe {th}is booke out

           of frensch in to englisch.

       And here bigynne{th} {th}e prolog in two chapitris upon {th}e same boke

           {th}at loue name{th} {th}e mirrour of simple soules.  Oure lord god

           crist ihesu bringe it to a good ende amen   .         .         .         .         .         .         f. 2b

       I creature ymaad of {th}e maker

       (Three men read the book, viz., frere ion of querayn a friar minor,

           a monk of Cisetyns {th}at hi{y}te  dann Frank Chauntour of {th}e abbey

           of viliers, and a maister of diuinite {th}at hi{y}te maister godfrey of


               -{th}at heeren it and worthi ben.  Amen.

       Inc. lib. cap. I     .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .        3b   

       O soule touched of god.

       Fine initial and border of English work.

       Ends f. 104a: {th}erfore his i{y}e biholde{th} me. {th}t  he loue{th} noon more

           {th}an me. now amen.

       Heere ende{th} {th}e booke {th}at loue clepi{th} {th}e myrour of symple soules.

       Who {th}at {th}is booke wole vndirstande, take {th}t  lord to his spouse

           louande.  {th}at is god in trinite.

       Ihesu mercy and grace                                   En dieu

       Marie preie for us                                           desormes M. N.

       Si{y}e  and sorwe depeli: moorne and wepe inwardli

       Preie and {th}enke deuoutli: loue and longe continuelli.

       Prayer of the Translator:

       O gloriouse trinite in whom is al goodnesse

           -magnifie euerlastingli wi{th}outen ende.  Amen (thrice).

Manuscript extra information

Clare Kirchberger (ed.), The mirror of simple souls (London, 1927).
Sister Marilyn Doiron, 'The middle English translation of Le mirouer des simples ames', in A. Albertus (ed.), Dr L. Reypens-Album: Opstellen aangeboden aan Prof. Dr L. Reypens s. j. ter gelegenheid van zijn tachtigste verjaardag op 26 Februari 1964 (Antwerp, 1964), 131-52.
Sister Marilyn Doiron (ed.), 'The mirror of simple souls': a Middle English translation (Rome, 1968).
Notes and Queries, new series 19 (1972), 445-8.
A.I. Doyle & M.B. Parkes, 'The production of copies of the Canterbury Tales and the Confessio Amantis in the early fifteenth century'. In M.B. Parkes and A.G. Watson (eds.), Medieval scribes, manuscripts & libraries: essays presented to N.R. Ker (London, 1978) p.197 n.84 (notes the presence of accounts for the decoration of this MS on the first flyleaf).