Vellum, 13.625 x 10, ff. 251 + 2, double columns of 57 lines. 14th cent., in two hands, one clear and black. It is very like many of the volumes of Aquinas from Bury at Pembroke College.
Donor, T. C. S. Priced lvs. 2 fo. naturalium.
From Christ Church, Canterbury. On flyleaf. . . . . . Thome de alquino
super librum sentenciarum Henrici prioris (Henry of Eastry, d. 1331).
On f. 1: Secunda secunde (erased) and the same inscription (Anc. Libr., p. 512): also 'Thomas super pm et secundum sentenciarum.'
Collation: 2 flyleaves, 112 - 912 1014 | 1112 -1712 1810 1912 - 2112 (wants 12).
On the flyleaves a table of quaestiones in triple columns, of 15th cent.
1. S. Thomas super primum Sententiarum . . . . . . f. 1
Ego sapiencia effudi flumina
Ends f. 121a: per fidem nunciauit. Cui est honor et gloria
per infinita sec. sec. Amen.
Expl. primus liber f. T. super sent.
Sum scriptor talis monstrat mea littera qualis.
121b, 122 blank.
2. S. Thomas super secundum sententiarum . . . . . . 123
Spiritus eius ornauit celos
Ends f. 251b: non corrumpetur in sec. sec. Amen.
This MS contains the marginal annotation of the pecia pa for the significance of which see J. A. Destrez, 'La pecia dans les manuscrits du moyen age', Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques 13 (1924), 182-97.
J. A. Destrez, 'La pecia dans les manuscrits universitaires du 13e et du 14e siecle', Le Temps (17 January 1936).