MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 11 x 8.375, ff. 111 +  2, double columns of 41 lines.  Early 13th cent., very well written.  Old binding, stamped leather over boards, clasps gone.

    Donor, T. C. S.

    From Christ Church, Canterbury.  On flyleaf is:


Uerbum abbreuiatum Alexandri de Hospreng. D. viia G. vus. Secunda Demonstratio


(Ancient Libraries, p. 510).

    Collation:  2 flyleaves,  18 - 38 42 (+1) 58 -148 154 (4 stuck to cover).

    In the cover a name Johannes (erasure) in red chalk, of the 16th cent.  A note by the same hand on the flyleaf  much resembling those of Abp Parker.




        1.  (Petri Cantoris liber de tropis loquendi)   .         .         .         .         .         .         .          f. 1

             Videmus nunc pr speculum, etc.  Istud uerbum apostolicum

               multiplicem habens expositionem.

             The initial develops into a curious flourished ornament in the

               lower margin, of red and blue and green.  A similar one is

                on f. 28.

             Ends f. 25b : Audire uidere et huiusmodi que ei attribuuntur

                propter signa eorum.  deo gratias.

             ff. 26a, 27b blank.

        2.  Capitula sequentis opusculi (138)    .          .         .         .         .         .         .           .           26b

             Verbum abbreuiatum mag.  Petri Cantoris parisiensis    .         .         .         .           .           28

             Contra superfluitatem, etc.

             Vebum abbreuiatum fecit deus super terram (CCV 23).

             End f.  109b : esse immensum et inexplicabile.

             Expl. liber iste amen [qui uocatur verbum abbreu.  Petri

               Cant. paris.].

          On ff. 45, 46 many parts of lines left blank by the copyist

                have been supplied in the 16th cent.  A note in lower margin

                 expresses disapproval.


Manuscript extra information

Neil Kerr has confirmed that the note on the flyleaf is by John Parker.

Sheila Strongman, 'John Parker's Manuscripts: an edition of the lists in Lambeth Palace MS 737', Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society 7 (1977).