Paper, 11.375 x 8, ff. 121 + 2, 38 lines to a page. 15th cent., clearly written,
Donor, T. C. S.
At the end (xv) :
I pray yow pray for me yor owne sarvaunt
Margery Carew god amend yt ys ames.
quod M. C.
Margery Carew.
On f. 57 some names of Chaloners.
Collation: 2 flyleaves (vellum), 1? (five left) 214 (wants 2?) 312 -1012 11? (eight left).
1. Four leaves of the poem Ipotis . . . . f. 1
And sithe one of his rybbys gan he take
he schoulde be saued be hys speche
The portion corresponds (but not exactly) to lines 139-456 of
the text printed from the Vernon MS. by Horstmann in
Altenglische Legenden, Neue Folge 1881, pp.341 sqq.
2. Stimulus Conscientiae by R. Hampole1 . . . 5
The myght of the fadir of heuen
And the wit of the son wt his giftes seuen.
A gap after f. 5. f.6 begins (after "resoun and mynde"):
Et crediderunt in verbis eius.
Ends f. 119b:
That for oure loue made al thynge. Amen quod A.
Expl. Stimulus Consciencie.
1 On the question of authorship see a monograph by Miss H. E. Allen, of Radcliffe College, U. S. A. , in Radcliffe College Monographs (no. 15, 1910).
Note to f. 57 giving names of Chaloners as William, Roger, and Thomas.
1. For an edition of the text of Ipotis in this MS. see J. Sutton, 'Hitherto unprinted manuscripts of the middle English Ipotis', Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 31 (1916), 114-60, especially 146-53.
2. The Prick of Conscience, a copy of the East Midland recension, no. 3429 in C. Brown and R. H. Robbins (eds), Index of Middle English verse (New York, 1940). Charlotte d' Evelyn, 'An East Midland recension of the Prick of Conscience' Modern Language Association of America, 45, no. 1, March 1930.