Vellum, 11.75 x 8, ff.187 + 1, double columns of 42 lines. 15th cent., very well written, with good ornaments.
Donor, T. C. S. 2 fo. caliditatis.
At end of lib. XII:
Guilielmus Rishworth est uerus possessor huius libri. (xvi)
Also, on f. 1: Thomas T (erased) poss. 1563.
Collation: 18 - 218 (wants 3-6) 228 - 248 (wants 8), 1 flyleaf.
Inc. liber ruralium comodorum a Petro de Crescenciis curie
Bononie ad honorem dei omnipotentis et serenissimi regis
(karoli erased) compilatus . . . . . f. 1
Inc. prol. Cum ex uirtute prudencie que inter bonum et malum
-sunt in rure agenda. Expl. prol.
Inc. liber primus. De locis habitabilibus, etc. . . . 1b
Quoniam cultus ruris propter continuos eius labores.
There is a gap from lib. IX, c. 103, to lib. X, c. 17.
Lib. XII ends f. 182 (188): in qua multa inueniuntur iocunda.
Expl. lib. ruralium comodorum a P. de Cresc. complilatus.
182b blank.
Capitula of the books . . . . . . . 183
A sixteenth cent. hand has added some English names of plants.
On the verso of the flyleaf are some fifteenth cent. scribbles in English in red and a letter of the sixteenth cent., which marks a stage in the history of the book.
Mr Carter. I haue sent yow this booke nowe but it hath bene at Rayson (? Market Rasen) this iii wekes. if it had bene at home I could haue sold it to Docter Smith for he hard of it. I was not at home when your sonnes were at Lincoln and the man that brought it was touched with the signe in Aries that he would not tell where it was lefte (or perhaps kepte). the price is xxs if yow like it not
send me it agayne within this fortnight (?) and what yow please for my carridge and labor. I trust to be at London or mydsommer next. Vale in Christo. Maye xith.