MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 11.875 x 9, ff. 138 + 2, double columns of 40 lines.  12th cent., in a beautiful round hand.

    Donor, T. C. S.

    From Hexham Priory.  On f. 1 (xiii):

                                 Liber S. Andree de Hextildesham.

    At the bottom of f. 1 is a paper document pasted on to the leaf, of which the L. portion is gone.  It is of the 15th -16th cent.

    Collation: 2 flyleaves, 1 (xxiv)8 - 58 612 78 - 178 (wants 7, 8).

    The quires, except the last, are numbered in an old hand, i. xxiiii to xvi.  xxxviiii.

    On the 2nd flyleaf, the price 30s and

             Augustini.  Sermones super diuersos textus Euangelii pars secunda,

the italicised words being additions.

    The paper label on f. 1 has this inscription:

         ...Utroque jure Bacularius ordinaui posui et in loco meo constitui

         ...concanonicum mon.  S. Andree Apostoli Ebor. dioc. ordinis S. August.

         ...ssim et venerabili domino domino dunelm ep. et confirmatus vicarius

         ...m ordinacionem et presentacionem eiusdem et si quicquid fecerit circa

         ...tundis (?) et Ratum habitur' (?) quicquid predictus atturn. meus nomine

         ...m cuius Rei in (?) presentibus sigillum meum appossui.



         Augustinus super Iohannem (xxxv 1379)     .         .         .         .         .         .         .         f.  1

         Inc. sermo xliii.  Ab eo quod dictum est responderunt ergo iudei . . .

           usque ad id . . .  et exiuit de templo.

         In ista lectione sancti euuangelii que hodie recitata est a potentia.

         Initials for the most part in plain red or green.

         Ends f. 138a (Serm. lxx): compellerer meum terminare sermonem.


Manuscript extra information

Regarding contents ‘Inc sermo xliii’, this refers to

             Sermons Pt. I, xliii-liv;

f. 44v    Sermons Pt. II, I-lxx.