MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 11.5 x  7.375 , ff. 4 + 170 + 8, double columns of 29 lines.  15th cent., in a very fine upright English hand.  Red skin over boards: on the 2nd cover a shield drawn in ink with a fess checky.

    Donor, T. C. S., priced v1.

    Belonged to Ely Priory.

    On f. iva is : liber dompni petri de Norwico, and original list of contents.

    On the last leaf two shields of arms suspended to a ragged staff.  The

upper is or , a fess checky arg. and az.: the other arg. a lion rampant gu.,

over all a ragged staff as a bend dexter and the inscription: Hec sunt

arma d. Robarti Stewarde prioris nostri eliensis.

    Robert Steward was the last prior and first dean of Ely.  He was

very fond of emblazoning his arms in his books.  See especially the Liber

Eliensis at Gonville and Caius  College.

    Collation:  a4, 110 -1710 188.

    Two fly leaves at the beginning are from a commentary on the Sentences,

two at the end from a treatise on Civil Law (xiii) : two others at the end

are part of a leaf of a large and handsome antiphoner, with music on five-line stave.

    On f. ivb is a full-page drawing of the Crucifixion, with the Virgin and

St John, of rough execution and in pale colours.  The cross is green, the

title is on it, Christ is crowned with thorns.  The robes of the figures are mostly pale purple.




        1.  In nomine domini Inc. tractatus de incendio amoris uenerabilis

               Ricardi heremite de ampullis (i.e. Hampole )           .          .          .      f. 1

            Admirabar amplius quam enuncio

            There is a fine solid border with offshoots of foliage, in gold

               and colour.  Initial, gold ground with incised flower pattern. 

               Richard Rolle in dark habit and cowl, seated in what looks

               like a chair made out of a cask, wites In dei nomine in a

               book.  On R. a chapel or cell.

            Ends f. 40 a: in quibus si perseuerauero saluus ero.

            40b blank.

        2.  Inc. tract. uen. Ricardi heremite de Ampullis qui uocatur

            Melos contemplatiuorum     .          .          .          .         .         .         .        41

            Amor utique audacem efficit.

            Initial, gold ground with incised flower pattern.  Richard, in

               purplish habit and cowl with liripipe, sits with open book.

               He has a forked grey beard.

            Ends f. 161: facie factoris fruentes sine fine.  Amen.

        3.  Inc. alter tractatus uen. Rycardi heremite de ampullis de iuste.

               iudicando et recte discernendo          .          .          .          .            .        161

            Iudica me deus, etc.  A deo qui scrutatur corda.

            Fine partial border and dragon initial.

            Ends 178b : ad superiores debent mitti.  Expl. tractatus S.

            Cf. Horstmann, Richard Rolle  II xxxvi sqq.

Manuscript extra information

A. Wathey, Manuscripts of polyphonic music: the British Isles, 1100-1400 (Munich, 1993), pp. 15-17

1.  See MS 159, item 2, as described in M. Colker's  catalogue of the MSS in Trinity College Dublin.

2.  E. J. F. Arnould,  'Richard Rolle and a Bishop: a vindication', Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 21:1 (1937).