Vellum, 13.4 x 8.7, ff. 143 + 131, two volumes. 12th cent. Given by Thomas, Earl of Southampton, and marked T.C.S.(=Thomas,
Comes Southampton). These initials will in future suffice ( as in Dr Cowie's Catalogue) to distinguish the donor.
Collation : i8-xviii8 (wants 8) || i8-viii8 ( 4 gone) x12 xi8-xvii8 (wants 6).
2 fo.I. unius gentis. II. rimis ecclesiis.
Vol.1 is from Christ Church, Canterbury, and has the old mark .V. on
f. 1b. It is beautifully written in the characteristic Christ Church hand of the time, with 29 lines to a page.
Ancient Libraries of Canterbury, p. 51, no. 21, and p. 506.
Vol.II is from the Benedictine Abbey of St Dogmael in Pembrokeshire.
It is in double columns of 35 lines in several fine black hands of the early 13th cent.
On f.1 is a list of contents. On it is noted that vol.1 cost 40s. and vol.II 30s. (in the 16th cent.).
Contents :
I. Epistola Gratiani Augusti . . . . . . . f. 1b
Ambrosio religioso sacerdoti
-quem colimus Iesu Christi.
Title and opening in capitals, red, purple, yellow. Fine many
coloured initial.
Inc. liber primus beati Ambrosii episcopi ad gratianum
peratorem de fide (P.L. xvi 527) . . . . . 1b
Regina Austri venit
Fine initial. Title and opening in capitals as before.
In this MS there are nine books de Fide reckoned as one
treatise. The usual reckoning, however, is that there are
only five books de Fide.
After the vth in this MS. follow :
De Spiritu Sancto libri III (xvi 731) . . . . . 79
Ieroboal cum sub arbore
De incarnationis dominicae sacramento liber I (xvi 853) . . 129b
Debitum curo soluendum (pretty initial).
Ending f. 143 : penetrans spirituum intelligibilium.
Expl. liber nonus b. Ambrosii ep. ad Gratianum Imp. de fide.
f. 143b blank.
II. Historia ecclesiastica Eusebii interprete Ruffino (xxi 461) . 1
Three extracts about Ruffinus :
Ex catalogo uirorum illustrium gennadii.
Ex. Aug. de cura pro mortuis agenda.
Ex tripartita historia.
Inc. epistola rufini presbyteri ad cromatium ep. super librum
ecclesiasticum editum ab eusebio cesariensi ep.
Peritorum dicunt esse medicorum
-ad obitum theodosii augusti. Expl. ep. presb. rufini.
Inc. capitula libri primi historiarum . . . . . 1b
Inc. prologus eusebii episcopi . . . . . . 1b
Successiones sanctorum apostolorum.
Cap. I with large plain gold initial . . . . . . 2b
Incipiet igitur michi sermo.
Between capp. xxiv and xxix of lib. v is a gap.
Lib. xi ends f. 128b : percepturus premia meritorum.
Expl. lib. undecimus ecclesiastice historie.
After the text is a document in double columns in a later hand containing an account of attempted encroachments on the rights of St Dogmael's Abbey in Pembrokeshire by the burgesses of Cardigan, and the successful repulse thereof.
Anno gratie m0 cc0 xl0 secundo regnante christianissimo rege henrico tercio. In ipsa hora passagii sui in pictauiam. Venerabili patre nostro anselmo meneuensi antistite abbate radulfo abbatie sancti dogmaelis de kermeis presidente orta est persequcio valida qualis non fuit ex eo tempore ex quo homines esse ceperunt usque ad tempus illud, contra deum et monasterium S. dogmaelis. Insurexerunt enim uiri mendaces et dolosi filii belial satellites sathane burgenses uidelicet de kardigan, etc. etc.
fingentes nomina ubi nomen ante ea non erat et dicentes. hiscoyt vochan. quod nomen inauditum erat et rosarium, quod nomen prati nostri est, communam debere esse hominum de cardigan, cum fluminis theyui cuius cursum diuertere non poterunt apertissime inter nos et ipsos diuidat, etc. etc.
The claims were investigated "accitis magnatibus et prudentibus uidelicet. d. Ricardo harold tunc temporis bailliuo domini meneuensis de landogo. Johanne de castro martini tunc uicecomite pembrochie. hugone de turberuile tunc constabulario de kilgarran. Willelmo filio gurwaret tunc constabulario de kermeis. et multis aliis......"
The four leaders of the Cardigan men were : Lynot qui est tenens abbatis et etiam regis. Walterus Walkeney qui clamat tenere de abbate. Robertus boch senior qui est homo domini comitis. Willelmus sector lapidum qui est homo domini regis.
There is a long declamation at the end : the last words are :
uindictam retribuet in emulos eorum et propicius erit terre populi sui.
After this a leaf is cut out. Then follows one with more documents, in charter hand, relating to St Dogmael's.
a. Imperfect. A youth had complained to his father,
dicens se in choro a duobus monachiis atrociter et enormiter uapulatum. The
father complains to the Abbott, who proves the falsity of the whole ( 4 lines).
b. Undertaking of the Abbot B (?) of St Dogmael to provide two people with
benefices, viz., Gilbert de Taleton and William Cas. Dated Vigil of St
St Nicholas, 1253.
c. Agreement of the Abbot to allow Roger de Raleuuelk a mark a year until he be
provided with a benefice after the last two named. Same date.
d. Libellus Walteri de Windesor' prioris de kardigan.
Dicit W. prior de kardigan contra Stephanum et Iohannem de Penbr. monachos
de S. Dogm. that they came unasked to Cardigan and took the confession of
Morwt, wife of Robert Cayphas, and saw her make her will, etc., and eventually buried her in
the Abbey (26 lines).
e. Carta Joh. Prat. Grant of a burgage to him from the convent.
f. Precentor S. Batholomei, London, subdelegatus conseruator priuilegiorum prioris et
patrum hospit. Ierhusalem in Anglia : to the Abbot and convent.
Cities a privilege of Pope Honorius and bids them restore within 8 days fratrem
Ricardum de Kerren apostatam and the goods which he has wrongly carried off
with him. London, Sunday after St Vincent's day 1254.