MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 12.2 x 9, ff. 129 + 1, 40 lines to a page.  15th cent., clearly written, seriously mutilated in the earlier part.                                           2 fo. augustam.

    Donor, T. C. S.

    Old binding, rough skin over boards, clasps gone.

    Collation :  18 210? (wants 3, 4 and one canc. in 2nd half) 3? (three left) 4

 (four left) 58 68 (wants 1 ) 78 88 (wants 7, 8) 98 (wants 5, 7, 8) 106 (wants 1 and ?)

 118 –158 (wants 8)  168 - 188 194, 1 flyleaf.

    At the beginning is a leaf of a Manual, with part of the Baptismal office.

    At the end, two leaves of a theological MS. in double columns.

    At the bottom of f. 1 a large S (xvi).



      Inc. commentum super Lucanum de bellis.

        (P)rius querendum est de quolibet actore quid ipse sit quam quid ipse fecit.

        The words commented upon are underlined.

       Ends f.  129b : ad ipsius exemplum fortiter cepit pugnare.  Epidaure locus est. et

           sicut Arnulphus aurelianis has fecit glosulas ita sceua apud epidaurum toti

           excercitui po(mpeii) solus resistit et suos obsessores pocius obsedit quam

           obsideretur ab illis. apertis a po. et suis menia claustrorum que fecerat ce(sar) ad

           ipsum claudendum uel includendum calcantem super ascendentem.

        Expl. glosule super Lucanum.


    Other MSS. are Harl. 6502, Vindob. 130, 212, Guelpherb. Helmst. 527, etc.