MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 11.8 x 8.3, ff. 182 + 2, double columns of 37 lines.  15th cent. (1449).  Written in the Netherlands.

    Donor T. C. S.                                                                                2 fo. modum.

    At the end, in red: 

   Explicit liber iste epistolarum b. iheronimi per manus fratis hermanni de bercka

a.d. 1449 scriptus in monte sancti iheronimi.  orate pro eo.


    On the flyleaf: Henrick van Rentzelaer.  1598 and W. Crashawe 1611.

    At top an erased inscription of provenance:  Liber congregacionis fratrum in monte sancti Iheronimi prope d.uen...(? Deventer).

    Collation:  a2 18 – 228 236.




         Epistolae S. Hieronymi numero quinquaginta.

         Table.        .         .         .          .           .             .          .            .          .            .            f.  1b

         ia, iib   blank.

         Epistola gloriosi iheronimi et eximii doctoris ad marcellam de onaso.

         1-17 ad Marcellam, 18 ad Furiam, 19 ad Saluinam, 20 ad Agerun-  

         chiam, 21 ad Paulam, 22 ad Pammachium, 23 ad matrem et

         filiam in Gallia, 24 ad Thesifontem, 25 ad Aletham, 26 ad

         Asellam, 27-8 ad Marcellam, 29 ad Theophilum, 30-1 ad

         Fabiolam, 32 ad Celaenciam, 33 ad Sonniam et Pretelam, 34 ad

         Cyprianum, 35 ad Theodoram, 36 ad Castorinam, 37 ad Prin-

         cipiam, 38 ad Marcellam, 39 ad Demetriadem,  40 ad Susannam

         lapsam, 41 ad Eustochium, 42 ad virgines Hermonenses, 43 ad

         Demetriadem, 44 ad Marcellam, 45-6 ad Helvidiam, 47-48 ad

         Algaziam, 49 ad Oceanum, 50 ad Principiam de obitu Marcelle.

       There is a very fine initial in the Dutch style at the beginning of

         the text,  and smaller good ones the other Epistles.

       Text ends f. 181a:  legentibus placere desiderans.

       f. 182 blank.

Manuscript extra information

P.R. Robinson Catalogue of dated and datable manuscripts c.737-1600 in Cambridge libraries (Cambridge, 1988) vol. I, p. 85, no. 292; vol. II pl. 249 (fol. 2).