MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 13 x 8.8, ff. 233 + 109, two volumes, double colums of 49 and 52 lines.  Late 14th  and 15th cent.,  clearly written.

    Donor T. C. S.                                                                            2 fo. 1  ad christum.

    Crashawe’s name and date Nov. 17, 1609 on f. 1.                       2. quod ergo.

    On f. 1 at top:  Joannes Dee 1573, Nov. 13.

    Probably  no.122 in the Catalogue of Dr Dee’s MSS.  (Diary of Dr. Dee, Camd. Soc. 1842, p.79), vol.II may be no. 118 in the same list.

    Collation :  112 - 812 910 1012 - 1912 208 (wants 8) || 18 – 148 (wants1-8).

   On the fragmentary last leaf of I is on the recto:  Thomas Wyesottr.

   On the verso:  Iste liber pertinet ad (smudge) hidam. which should mean Hyde Abbey, Winchester.  Dr Babington read this as ‘ad W (?) hidam’ but I do not agree with him.

    Vol. II has on f. 1 at top the mark (xv-xvi):  I. 37.




         1.   Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden        .               .               .               .               .               .               .               f. 1

              The shorter text beginning

              In historico namaque contextu.

              The copy was used for the Rolls Series edition by Dr Babington.

                 Its symbol is D.

              Ends f.  218 (220) in the year 1327:  socia concordiam, ecclesia


              Larger hand:  Et hic finis.

                   Qui scripsit librum Ion Lutton est sibi nomen

                   Qui scripsit scriptum sit benedictus in euum.

              Preface to Table :

                   Ad subsequentis tabule noticiam  .               .               .               .               .               .               218  (220)

              Table.  Aaron to Uxor.

              Ends f. 232a:                                         

                   Iam finem feci.

                   Dignus est operarius mercede sua.

                   Amen dico tibi quia benefecisti bene habebis.

                   Amice non faciam tibi  iniuriam.  tolle quod tuum est

                       et uade.

        II.   In a much smaller and finer hand.

              Inc. liber de regimine principum editus a fr. egidio romano

                   ordinis patrum heremitarum S. Augustini     .               .               .               .               .               1

              Ex regia ac sanctissima prosapia oriundo.

              Capitula prime partis.

              Text.  Oportet ut latitudo sermonis.

              Pars III ends f. 109b:  suis promisit fidelibus. qui est benedictus

                   in sec. sec.  Amen.

              Expl. lib. de regim. princ. (etc. ut supra).


Manuscript extra information

Sven L. Firstedt, The Wycliffe Bible. Part III: Relationships of Trevisa and the Spanish Medieval Bible, Stockholm Studies in English 28 (Stockholm, 1973).
For John Lutton see Falconer Madan Oxford books ... vol. 2 Oxford literature 1450-1640, and 1641-1650 (Oxford, 1912) p. 500: '1410. John Lutton, Scribe. (MS. Twyne iv, p. 70).'
Other MSS by Lutton are: BL Arundel 86; BL Royal 4.C.VI; Chetham's 11379; Winchester Cathedral 16; Oxford Bodleian Library 716 ff. 76-133.
Julian Roberts & Andrew G. Watson (eds.), John Dee’s library catalogue (London, 1990) p.122 M118 (Aegidius), p.123 M121 (Polychronicon).
R.H. Rouse & M.A. Rouse (eds.), Henry of Kirkestede, Catalogus de Libris Autenticis et Apocrifis, Corpus of British Medieval Library Catalogues 11 (London, 2004) pp. xcviii, 514 (K659).