Humphry Repton, Observations on the theory and practice of landscape gardening (London, 1805).
Humphry Repton (1752-1818) succeeded 'Capability' Brown as head gardener at Hampton Court and was the first to assume the title of landscape gardener. His designs were used at Antony House, Bowood, Clumber Park, Hatchlands, Plas Newydd, Sheffield Park, Sheringham Park, Tatton Park, and Wimpole Hall, among other prominent locations. This impressive book is made even more interesting by the way the author has inserted movable slips over the plates showing country house gardens before and after work. Repton published several other works on landscape gardening, including An Enquiry into the Change of Taste in Landscape (1806), and An Introduction of Indian Architecture and Gardening (1808). He outlined the principles of landscape gardening as follows: 'The perfection of landscape gardening consists in the four following requisites. First, it must display the natural beauties and hide the defects of every situation. Secondly, it should give the appearance of extent and freedom by carefully disguising or hiding the boundary. Thirdly it must studiously conceal every interference of art. Fourthly, all objects of mere convenience or comfort, if incapable of being made ornamental, or of becoming proper parts of the general scenery, must be removed or concealed.'
Donated by Hugh Gatty.