Useful links

Cambridge University Library Resources

Cambridge University Library Catalogue gives information on the holdings of the main University Library.

Cambridge University Library Information Services for access to online services provided by the University Library, including:

Cambridge Departmental and College Libraries

University of Cambridge Libraries Directory gives access to information (i.e. opening times, contact details, web-sites, etc.) on the dependent, departmental and college libraries of the University.

Cambridge University Archival Resources

Janus is the union catalogue for archives in Cambridge University and its Colleges.

Resources in the UK

The British Library Catalogue, for information on the holdings of the British Library.

COPAC (Catalogue of the Consortium of University Research Libraries) is a union catalogue giving access to the combined book catalogues of 22 major research libraries in the UK and Ireland, as well as the British Library.

Intute provides tutorials and tips to help researchers locate on-line resources in a particular subject area.

The National Archives (formerly the Public Record Office and the Historical Manuscripts Commission) site provides useful archival resources relating to the UK.

The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography offers comprehensive biographical information on over 50,000 individuals who have influenced British history.

Resources further afield

The Unesco Libraries Portal, LibDex - the library index and National Library Catalogues Worldwide, which are hosted by the University of Queensland, all give comprehensive listings of library catalogues from around the world.