Photographs taken by Thomas Worden French (1917-2001)
If you would like to consult any of this material, please contact the Special Collections Librarian tel. 01223-339393).
Box 1
Notebook. Negative index. Films ’42-106’. Lists photos taken 1944-45.
Notebook labelled ‘Negative index. Films 107-185, 1001-1002, 200-240’. Lists photos taken 1945-61.
Photographs taken in Greece and the Dodecanese for the Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Sub-Commission of the War Office, 1944-46.
Envelope of negatives labelled ‘Greece & Dodecanese’. c. 175 strips of negative film.
Black and white print labelled ’73.1 Corinth. Carving in Museum’. 5.5” x 8.5”.
11 black and white postcards and 2 larger prints with note ‘Greece Dhafni Mosaics’.
Envelope labelled ‘Greece. Osios Meletios’. 5 black and white prints, 4.5” x 6.25”.
’87.3 Os. Meletios’.
’87.4 Os. Meletios. Outbuildings’.
’87.8 Os. Meletios. Church from SE’.
’87.9 Os. Meletios’.
’87.10 Os. Meletios. Exo- and Eso-narthex from S’.
Wallet labelled ‘Greece’. 15 black and white prints, 3” x 4”.
‘118.4 Acropolis. The Erectheum as seen from the Parthenon’.
‘118.5 Acropolis. Parthenon: the southern colonnade’.
‘118.8 Acropolis. Temple of Wingless Victory’.
‘118.9 Acropolis. Temple of Wingless Victory’.
‘118.10. Athens. Odeon of Herodes Atticus’.
‘118.11 Acropolis. The Propylaea’.
‘118.12 Acropolis. Erechtheum, the Caryatid Porch’.
‘118.13 Acropolis. The Erectheum as seen from the Parthenon’.
‘118.16 Acropolis. The Parthenon: interior from the east’.
‘118.17 Acropolis. The Parthenon: interior looking west’.
‘118.18 Acropolis. The Parthenon: east end’.
‘118.20 Acropolis. The Parthenon: east end’.
‘118.21 Acropolis. The Parthenon: northern colonnade’.
‘118.22 Acropolis. The Erectheum: Caryatid Porch’.
‘118.23 Acropolis. The Temple of Wingless Victory’.
Envelope labelled ‘Greece’. 2 black and white prints, 6” x 8”.
‘117.6 Kaisariani – The Dome’.
‘117.7 Kaisariani – The Baptism’.
Album. ‘Dodecanese 130, 132, 134-147’. c. 100 strips of negative film.
Envelope labelled ‘Dodecanese’. 142 black and white prints, 2.5” x 3.5” - 3.5” x 4.5”.
75 labelled with numbers only.
‘121.20 Refectory’.
‘121.20 Damage to Infirmary’.
‘121.24 Refectory.
‘127.28 Museum of Sta Maria’.
‘128.13 Fileremo’.
‘128.16 Fileremo’.
‘128.20 Fileremo’.
‘128.22 Fileremo: Main Hall of the Castle’.
‘130.3 Rhodes. Amboise Gate’.
‘130.4 Rhodes. Amboise Gate’.
‘130.6 Rhodes. Amboise Gate’.
‘130.21 Rhodes. Walled City’.
‘133.3 Temple of Delian Apollo’.
‘133.3A Rhodes. Temple of Delian Apollo’.
‘134.3 Asklipios’.
‘134.4 Asklipios. Castle of the Knights’.
‘134.16 Monolito’.
‘137.5 Isthmos’.
‘137.8 Kos. Isthmos’.
‘137.11 Cos. Forum Gate’.
‘137.16 Castle showing “Milly” tower in left background, and “Carmadino” tower in right background’.
‘137.7 Isthmos. Upper Temple’.
‘137.24 [View of rocks]’.
‘137.26 Palaio-Pyli. Ay Nikolaos’.
‘137.32 Kos. Frescoes in Ay. Antonios’.
‘137.33 Palaio-Pyli. Ay Nikolaos’.
‘137.35 Kos. Palaio-Pyli. Castle’.
‘137.36 Village of Palaio-Pyli’.
‘139.10 Fundukli’.
‘139.19 Castello’.
‘139.24 Castello’.
‘140.11A Kamiros’.
‘140.14A Rhodes. Hospital of the Knights (now Museum)’.
‘140.19A [Detail of stamp on arm of pot]’.
‘140.29A Rhodes. Castellania’.
‘141.3A Rhodes. Walled City’.
‘141.4A Rhodes. Walled City’.
141.22A Church at Thari’.
‘141.29 Thari’.
‘143.38A [T.W. French? and Eve Durrell?]’.
‘144.5 Monolito’, ‘144.6 Arkhangelos’.
‘144.9 Kos from the sea’.
‘144.11 View of Leros from Castle’.
‘144.15 Patmos. Monastery from sea’.
‘144.16 Patmos. Skala from road to monastery’.
‘144.20 Patmos’.
‘144.26 Patmos. Easter celebrations’.
‘144.27 Patmos. Painting in exo-narthex of monastery’.
‘144.36 [Priests]’.
‘144.37 [Priests]’.
‘144.38 Patmos Exo-narthex of monastery’.
‘145.3 Patmos. Monastery of Christodoulos. Exo-narthex of church of St John’.
‘145.13 Patmos. Flags & bells of monastery’.
‘145.15 Patmos. Monastery of the Apocalypse’.
‘145.21 Patmos. Treasures of the monastery’.
‘145.22 Patmos. Treasures of the monastery’.
‘145.25 Patmos. Treasures of the monastery’.
‘145.28 Patmos. Treasures of the monastery’.
‘145.30 Patmos. Monastery of Christodoulos. Paintings in exo-narthex’.
‘145.31 Patmos. Monastery of Christodoulos. Paintings in exo-narthex’.
‘145.32 Patmos. Courtyard of Nunnery’.
‘145.37 Patmos’.
‘146.3A Patmos. Refectory’.
‘146.5A [Priest]’.
‘146.6A [8 priests]’.
‘146.7A [Men on boat]’.
‘146.9A Cos. Antimakhia’.
‘146.11A [decorated pot]’.
‘146.17A [decorated pot]’.
‘147.12 Lindos. Tomb of Cleobulus’.
13 postcards: 1 labelled ‘Rhodes. Coschino Gate’, 3 others ‘Rhodes. Museum Refectory’.
Envelope labelled ‘Dodecanese 125, 126, 127, 129. Contact prints’. 97 black and white prints, 1” x 1.5”.
Wallet labelled ‘Dodecanese’. 31 black and white prints, 2.25” x 3” - 4” x 6”.
‘Pl. XXIII [decorated pot]’.
‘St Gabriel’.
‘Pl. 26 Kos. Mosaic floor’.
‘Pl. 27 Kos. Mosaic floor’.
‘Pl. 28 Kos. Mosaic floor’.
‘Cita Murata’.
‘Pl. 35 Cos. Kefalos’.
‘Kos. Asklepieion’.
‘Kos. Mosque of the Loggia’.
‘Kos. Palaestra’.
‘144.10 Leros Castle’.
‘Rhodes from the sea’.
‘Rhodes. Excavations of a temple’.
‘Rhodes. Excavations’.
‘Rhodes. Hellenistic tombs’.
‘Rhodes. Walled city’.
‘Rhodes. Walled city’.
‘Rhodes. FERT Archaeological Institute’.
‘Rhodes. Walled city’.
‘Rhodes. Walled city’.
‘Pl. 2 Coschino Gate’.
8 unlabelled.
Wallet with note ‘Dodecanese’. 6 black and white prints, 2.75” x 4”.
‘Panorama of Rhodes’. 6 different views.
Wallet labelled ‘Loose negatives. Dodecanese.’ 22 black and white negatives.
Wallet labelled ‘Loose negatives. Greece. Italy.’ 3 small black and white prints (‘Maj. Reynolds (official historian)’; [T.W. French and Major Reynolds? walking in street in uniform]; [T.W. French? at desk inscribed ‘Chanthim & Co. 1941’). Strips of negative film labelled variously Old Corinth, Athens, Athens – Caryatids, Greece – Skripou & Chaeronea, Italy.
Envelope labelled ‘Dodecanese’. Map of the Dodecanese and 97 black and white prints.
c. 5” x 7”:
‘122.14A Dolapli Mosque, formerly a Byzantine church’.
‘122.21A General view of Lindos, with Church of Knights (1489) in foreground’.
‘122.28A Doorway of medieval house in Lindos (1642)’.
‘122.29A Medieval house at Lindos (1626)’.
‘123.9 Hostel of the Tongue of France in the St of the Knights’.
‘123.15 Camiros’.
‘123.20 Medieval house at Lindos (date 1626)’.
‘123.36 Wall of Aragon from Tower of Spain’.
‘123.38 Byzantine church of St Mark. In background Turkish Mosque’.
‘124.11 Wall of Aragon from the Tower of Spain’.
‘124.17 Arms of Pierre d’Aubusson, Grand Master and Cardinal’.
‘124.32 Wall of Aragon from Tower of St Mary’.
‘124.37 Walls of England from the tower of England’.
‘124.38 General view of the Old City from ramparts’.
‘125.3A Tower of St Nicholas’.
‘125.10A Plaque of St George & the dragon on tower of St George’.
‘125.21A Porta dei Cervi in Wall of France’.
‘125.29A Piossasco Chapel’.
‘125.30A Piossasco Chapel, Rhodes’.
‘125.37A Upper courtyard of museum from roof’.
‘126.13 Tower and Mole of St Nicholas’.
‘129.22 Lindos castle. Greek portico’.
‘129.20 Lindos castle. Church of St John’.
‘129.29 Lindos castle. Greek portico’.
‘131.5 Museum. Infirmary’.
‘131.21 Coschino Gate inscription’.
‘131.33 Mole of Naillac. Coat of arms of d’Aubusson over gateway’.
‘133.9A St Catharine Gate’.
‘133.11A Demerli Djami. Gothic Porch’.
‘133.12A Demirli Djami. South-west aisle’.
‘133.17A Demirli Djami. From ESE’.
‘130.20A Rhodes. Demirli Djami. East end’.
‘133.21A Demirli Djami’.
‘133.23 Mosque of Soleiman’.
‘133.25 English Tower’.
‘134.15 View from Monolito Castle, Rhodes’.
‘134.16. Monolito Castle, Rhodes’.
‘134.24 St Catherine Gate. Exterior’.
‘145.20 Patmos. Treasures of the monastery’.
‘145.26 Patmos. Treasures of the monastery; Epigonation’.
‘145.27 Patmos. Treasures of the monastery’.
‘Demirli Djami (now destroyed). Prewar photo by Fert Institute, Rhodes’. 2 different views.
‘St Catherine Gate (pre-war)’.
‘Rhodes. St Catherine Gate: interior, north side’.
‘Lodge of France’.
6.5” x 8.5” – 7.25” x 9.25”:
‘122.8A Rhodes, Mandracchio Harbour, panorama no. 1’.
‘122.9A Rhodes, Mandracchio Harbour, panorama no. 2’.
‘122.10A Rhodes, Mandracchio Harbour, panorama no. 3’.
‘122.11A Rhodes, Mandracchio Harbour, panorama no. 4’.
‘122.12A Rhodes, Mandracchio Harbour, panorama no. 5’.
‘122.13A Rhodes, a street in the walled city’.
‘122.14A Rhodes, Dolapli Mosque’.
‘122.15A Rhodes, Dolapli Mosque’.
‘122.21A Lindos, general view with Church of the Knights in the foreground’.
‘122.22A Lindos Bay, with tomb of Cleobulus’.
‘122.23A Lindos, St Paul’s Bay’.
‘122.25A Lindos, entrance to castle’.
‘122.26A Lindos, Castle of the Knights’.
‘122.31A Lindos, general view from main road’.
‘122.32A Rhodes, Church of St George’.
‘123.3 Wall painting of St Lucy in S. Maria al Castello’.
‘123.8 View from roof of museum’.
‘123.9 Hostel of the Tongue of France’.
‘123.10 Church of St Fanourios (Peial-ed-Din)’ .
‘123.11 Street in old city’.
‘123.19 Lindos, house of Constantinou’.
‘123.20 Lindos, house of Constantinou’.
‘123.29 Camiros’.
‘123.32 Old City and Tower of St George’.
‘123.33 Old City from walls’.
‘123.36 Fortifications seen from Tower of Spain’.
‘123.37 Tower of Spain’.
‘123.38 Kurmali Medresse’.
‘124.4 Church of Sta Maria al Castello’.
‘124.26 Plaque of St George’.
‘124.28 Old City from walls’.
‘121.35 Section of medieval walls’.
‘126.22 Rhodes harbour (Mandracchio)’.
‘127.9A St Catharine Gate’.
‘127.11A St Catherine Gate: southern tower (internal half)’.
‘127.15A St Catharine Gate’.
‘127.16A St Catharine Gate’.
‘127.18A St Catharine Gate’.
‘127.19A St Catharine Gate’.
‘129.38 Lindos Bay from castle’.
‘129.3 Early morning in Mandracchio’.
‘129.9 Mandracchio from St Peter’s Tower’.
‘129.12 Walls near the Porta dei Cervi’.
‘129.13 Mandracchio from St Peter’s Tower’.
‘129.15 Hospital of the Knights (museum)’.
‘129.16 Rhodes, Hospital of the Knights (museum)’.
‘132.4 Amboise Gate’.
‘132.7 Rhodes market place’.
‘132.18 Lodge of France’.
‘132.19 Lodge of Italy’.
‘132.22 Amboise Gate & Castello’.
Blue photograph album. 93 black and white prints, 6” x 4”.
‘115.11 Athens. Tower of the Winds 16.vii.45’.
‘115.13 Athens. Acropolis from Tower of the Winds 16.vii.45’.
‘115.15 Athens. Tower of the Winds 16.vii.45’.
‘115.16 Athens. Tower of the Winds 16.vii.45’.
‘115.7 Athens. Roman agora 16.vii.45’.
‘115.18 Athens. Acropolis from near Theseum 18.vii.45’.
‘115.19 Athens. Theseum 18.vii.45’.
‘115.20 Athens. Theseum 18.vii.45’.
‘115.21 Athens. Theseum 18.vii.45’.
‘115.22 Athens. Theseum and Acropolis 18.vii.45’.
‘115.23 Athens. Theseum 18.vii.45’.
‘115.24 Athens. Theseum 18.vii.45’.
‘115.25 Athens. Theseum and Acropolis 18.vii.1945’.
‘115.26 Athens. Theseum 18.vii.45’.
‘115.27 Athens. Theseum 18.vii.45’.
‘115.28 Athens. View from Areopagus 18.vii.45’.
‘115.29 Athens. Acropolis from Areopagus 18.vii.45’.
‘115.30 Athens. Theseum and Plain of Attica from Areopagus 18.vii.45’.
‘115.31 Athens. Acropolis from Areopagus 18.vii.45’.
‘115.32 Athens. Acropolis from Areopagus 18.vii.45’.
‘115.33 Athens. Acropolis. Temple of Apteros Nike 18.vii.45’.
‘115.34 Athens. Acropolis. Temple of Apteros Nike 18.vii.45’.
‘115.35 Athens. Acropolis. Temple of Apteros Nike 18.vii.45’.
‘115.36 Athens. Acropolis. Propylaea 18.vii.45’.
‘115.37 Athens. Acropolis. Parthenon 18.vii.45’.
‘115.38 Athens. Acropolis. Parthenon 18.vii.45’.
‘116.2 Athens. Acropolis. Erectheum 18 July 45’.
‘116.3 Athens. Acropolis. Erectheum 18.vii.45’.
‘116.4 Athens. Acropolis. Parthenon, NW end 18.vii.45’.
‘116.5 Athens. Likavittos 18.vii.45’.
‘116.6 Athens. Acropolis. Erectheum 18.vii.45’.
‘116.7 Athens. Acropolis. Parthenon, N side 18.vii.45’.
‘116.8 Athens. Acropolis. Caryatid & Parthenon 18.vii.45’.
‘116.9 Athens. Acropolis. Parthenon from NE 18.vii.45’.
‘116.10 Athen. Acropolis. Temple of Apteros Nike 18.vii.45’.
‘116.11 Athens. Acropolis. Temple of Apteros Nike 18.vii.45’.
‘116.13 Athens National Museum. Bronze charioteer 20.vii.45’.
‘116.15 Athens National Museum. Bronze charioteer 20.vii.45’.
‘116.16 Athens National Museum. Bronze charioteer 20.vii.45’.
‘116.17 Athens National Museum. Bronze charioteer 20.vii.45’.
‘116.22 Athens National Museum. Bronze charioteer 20.vii.45’.
‘116.23 Athens National Museum. Bronze charioteer 20.vii.45’.
‘118.8 Athens. Acropolis. Temple of Apteros Nike 25.vii.45’.
‘117.2 Athens. Loading fruit lorry. 22.vii.45’.
‘118.9 Athens. Acropolis. Temple of Apteros Nike 25.vii.45’.
‘118.10 Athens. Odeon of Herodes Atticus 25.vii.45’.
‘118.11 Athens. Acropolis. Propylaea 25.vii.45’.
‘118.12 Athens. Acropolis. Erectheum 25.vii.45’.
‘118.3 Athens. Acropolis. Erectheum from Parthenon 25.vii.45’.
‘118.5 Athens. Acropolis. Colonnade of Parthenon 25.vii.45’.
‘118.16 Athens. Acropolis. Parthenon interior from E 25.vii.45’.
‘118.18 Athens. Acropolis. Parthenon from E 25.vii.45’.
‘118.19 Athens. Acropolis. Erectheum 25.vii.45’.
‘118.20 Athens. Acropolis. Parthenon from E 25.vii.45’.
‘118.21 Athens. Acropolis. Parthenon from NE 25.vii.45’.
’118.22 Athens. Acropolis. Caryatid Porch 25.vii.45’.
‘118.23 Athens. Acropolis. Temple of Apteros Nike 25.vii.45’.
‘116.24 Attica. Dhafni S side 20.vii.45’.
‘116.25 Dhafni S side 20.vii.45’.
‘116.26 Dhafni. Dome mosaic Pantokrator 20.vii.45’.
‘116.27 Dhafni. Nativity 20.vii.45’.
‘116.29 Dhafni. Presentation of the Virgin 20.vii.45’.
‘116.28 Dhafni. Raising of Lazarus 20.vii.45’.
‘116.30 Dhafni. Prayer of Ioachim and Anna 20.vii.45’.
‘116.31 Dhafni. The betrayal 20.vii.45’.
‘116.32 Dhafni. Washing of feet 20.vii.45’.
‘116.33 Dhafni. View from S 20.vii.45’.
‘116.34 Dhafni. View from S 20.vii.45’.
‘116.35 Dhafni. View from SW 20.vii.45’.
‘116.36 Dhafni. View from SE 20.vii.45’.
’60.25 Dhafni. Wall above cloister 21.xi.44’.
’60.26 Dhafni. Cloister 21.xi.44’.
’60.27 Dhafni Church 21.xi.44’.
’60.29 Dhafni 21.xi.44’.
’60.28 Dhafni 21.xi.44’.
’60.30 Dhafni. Arcaded wall 21.xi.44’.
’60.31 Dhafni. Carved stone on lintel 21.xi.44’.
‘117.3 Kaisariani 23.vii.45’.
‘117.4 Kaisariani. Church from SW 23.vii.45’.
‘117.36 Kaisariani. Church from W 23.vii.45’.
‘117.37 Kaisariani. Dome of Church 23.vii. 45’.
‘125.2A Rhodes. Wrecked caique 4.xii.45’.
‘125.3A Rhodes. Tower of St Nicholas 4.xii.45’.
‘124.25 Rhodes. View S from Baldo san Giorgio 2.xii.45’.
‘124.27 Rhodes. Turkish House 2.xii.45’.
‘124.32 Rhodes. Walls and Moat N from Athanasian Gate 2.xii.45’.
‘124.33 Rhodes. Athanasian Gate 2.xii.45’.
‘124.34 Rhodes. Athanasian Gate 2.xii.45’.
‘124.35 Rhodes. Walls from Athanasian Gate 2.xii.45’.
‘124.36 Rhodes. Walls N from Athanasian Gate 2.xii.45’.
‘124.37 Rhodes. Walls S from Athanasian Gate 2.xii.45’.
‘124.38 Rhodes. Old City 2.xii.45’.
‘124.39 Rhodes. Old City 2.xii.45’.
Wallet labelled ‘Greece 61-69’. 44 black and white prints, 3.5” x 5”.
’67.15 Nemea Basilica Feb. 45’.
’67.19 [Mycenae. Lion Gate]’.
’67.20 Mycenae. Lion Gate’.
’67.21 Mycenae. Lion Gate Feb. 45’.
’67.23 Mycenae. Shaft grave circle’.
’68.6 Merbaka. Bema from NE 9 Feb. 45’.
’68.7 Merbaka. Bema window 9 Feb. 45’.
’68.9 Merbaka. Sculpture in Bema’.
’68.13 Merbaka. View from SW 9 Feb. 45’.
’68.24 Nea Moni N. gable’.
’68.25 Ayia Moni NW corner 10 Feb. 45’.
’68.28 [Nea Moni]’.
’68.31 [Nea Moni]’.
’68.33 [Men in front of monastery]’.
’69.7 Ligourio. Ay Ioannis Prodhromos. View from NE 11 Feb. 45’.
’69.10 Ligourio. Ay Ioannis Prodhromos. Detail 11 Feb. 45’.
’69.11 Ligourio. Ay Ioannis Prodhromos. Detail 11 Feb. 45’.
’69.12 [Detail of pattern on wall]’.
’69.15 [View across ruins, tree and hills]’.
’69.18 [Monastery]’.
’69.19 [Monastery]’.
’69.21 [Painting of saint]’.
’67.13 Old Corinth. Temple of Apollo’.
’66.20 Kynigos’.
’65.28 Kaisariani. Dome from NW’.
’65.29 Kaisariani. Gable of N arm’.
’65.30 Kaisariani. Window of Prothesis’.
’65.26 Kaisariani. W doorway’.
’65.27 Kaisariani. Gable of N arm’.
’65.21 Kaisariani. Apse from SSE’.
’65.20 Kaisariani. Bell turret’.
’65.19 Kaisariani. Gable of S arm’.
’65.18 Kaisariani. Dome from S’.
’63.26 Strike of mortar bomb on column of Parthenon 7 Jan. 45’ (2 copies).
’63.28 Strike of mortar bomb on Parthenon 7 Jan. 45’.
63.7 [Ruins]’.
’62.10 Parthenon. Damage to Peristyle 6 Jan. 45’.
’62.7 German graffiti in Parthenon 6 Jan. 45’.
’61.19 Athens. Acropolis. Museum yard 30 Dec. 44’.
’61.21 Athens. Acropolis Museum 30 Dec. 44’.
’61.22 Athens. Acropolis Museum 30 Dec. 44’.
’61.18 Athens. Acropolis. Clearing museum yard 30 Dec. 44’.
’61.17 Athens. Acropolis Museum. Clearing museum yard 30 Dec. 44’.
Wallet labelled ‘Greece’. 89 black and white prints, 3.5” x 3.5”.
’71.3 Liopesi. Church of Ay Athanasios. Painting of St George’.
’71.4 Liopesi. Church of Ay Athanasios. Paintings on ikonostasis’.
’71.5 Liopesi. Church of Ay Athanasios. Paintings on ikonostasis’.
’71.6 Frankish church near Koropi’.
’71.7 Frankish church near Koropi’.
’71.8 Koropi. Ay Vasilios’.
’71.9 General view near Koropi’.
’72.8 Ay Ioannis Theologos from E’.
’72.10 Ay Ioannis Theologos. Refectory from SE’.
’72.11 Ay Ioannis Theologos. Refectory from S’.
’72.12 Ay Ioannis Theologos. Church from NE’.
’73.3 Megara Museum’.
’75.10 Kaisariani refectory’.
’76.2 Kaisariani. Bema window’.
’76.4 Kaisariani. View from SSW’.
’76.8 Mistra. Entrance to town’.
’76.9 Mistra. General view shewing Metropolis’.
’80.2 Monemvasia. Ay Sofia’.
’80.3 Monemvasia. Ay Sofia. W door’.
’81.11 Krisafa. Panayia Khrisafiotina (1290)’.
’82.1 Krisafa. Panayia Khrisafiotina’.
’82.2 Khrisafa. Ay Ioannis Prodhromos’.
’82.4 Khrisafa. Koimesis, south end’.
’82.5 Khrisafa. Koimesis, Bema’.
’83.3 Karytaina bridge’.
’83.6 Karytaina. Ay Nikolaos’.
’84.3 Karytaina bridge’.
’84.5 Mycenae Lion Gate’.
’84.6 Mycenae Lion Gate’.
’84.7 Mycenae Lion Gate’.
’90.2 nr Larissa’.
’90.3 Khaironia’.
’90.5 Dhafni’.
’90.7 Sunium’.
’91.1 Ay Lavra’.
’92.4 Karytaina’.
’92.7 Karytaina bridge’.
’92.11 Mavrozoumeno’.
’92.12 Mavrozoumeno’.
’93.1 Mavrozoumeno’.
’93.9 Samari’.
’95.6 Ay Vasilios, Koropi’.
’95.7 Ay Vasilios, Koropi’.
’95.10 Assomati, nr Kalyvia’.
’95.11 Eisodia, Kalyvia’.
’95.12 Ay Apostoli, Kalyvia’.
’96.2 Ay Apostoli, Kalyvia’.
’96.6 Moni Petrakis, Athens’.
’96.7 Moni Petrakis’.
’96.8 Moni Petrakis’.
’96.9 Moni Petrakis’.
’97.1 Moni Petrakis’.
’97.2 Moni Petrakis’.
’97.3 Moni Petrakis’.
’97.5 Moni Petrakis’.
’97.6 Moni Petrakis, Athens’.
’97.8 Dhafni. Church from SSE’.
’97.10 Dhafni. Mosaics c.1080’.
97.12 Dhafni. Mosaics c.1080’.
’99.2 Nea Ankhialos. Capital in museum’.
’99.5 Dhimini. Beehive tomb on Acropolis’.
’99.6 Dhimini. Neolithic Acropolis’.
’99.8 Tempe Baba. Dervishes Seminary’.
’99.11 Elassona. Panayia Olymbiotissa. Entry of miraculous ikon’.
‘100.4 Elassona. Panayia Olimbiotissa’.
‘100.7 Elassona. Panayia Olimbiotissa East end’.
‘100.8 Elassona. Panayia Olimbiotissa’.
‘101.8 Meteora. Great Meteor. Inscription in Bema’.
‘101.10 Meteora. Great meteor. Metamorfosis, West end’.
‘102.3 Great Meteor. Church of Ay Konstandinos’.
‘102.6 Meteora. Baarlam’.
‘103.5 Meteora. Ay Stefanos’.
‘104.3 Kalabaka. Metropolis, Ambon’.
‘104.5 Kalabaka. Metropolis. Close up of Ambon’.
‘104.7 Porta Panayia’.
‘104.9 Porta Panayia’.
‘105.5 Porta Panayia’.
‘105.6 Porta Panayia’.
‘106.1 Domikon. W end of church’.
‘106.3 Domikon’.
‘106.8 Perakhora’.
‘107.1 Acropolis. Caryatid Porch’.
‘107.5 Acropolis. Parthenon’.
‘107.8 Acropolis. Church of Metamorphosis’.
‘108.2 Meteora’.
‘109.3 Nikopolis. Basilica of Alkison’.
‘111.8 Arta. Ay Theodora’.
‘111.9 Arta. Moni Vlakhernon’.
‘112.1 Arta. Moni Vlakhernon’.
“Nass” negative album labelled ‘Greece 71.2 - 81.8’.
Langley negative film storage album labelled ‘Greece 81.9 - 91.9 inc.’
Langley negative film storage album labelled ‘Greece 91.10 – 101.2 inc.’
Kodak negative album labelled ‘Greece 101.3 – 112.2’.
Kodak negative album labelled ‘Greece 112.3 – 113.10’.
Box 2
Box of slides. 142 black and white slides.
‘115.33 Athens. Acropolis. Temple of Apteros Nike’.
‘115.30 Athens. View of Theseum from Areopagos’.
‘115.27 Athens. Theseum’.
‘115.23 Athens. Theseum’.
‘115.19 Athens. Theseum’.
‘115.25 Athens. Theseum & Acropolis’.
‘115.28 Athens. View from Areopagos’.
‘115.6 Athens. Kapnikarea from W’.
‘115.20 Athens. Theseum’.
’60.9 Athens. Panepistimion St.’ .
‘116.17 Athens National Museum. Bronze charioteer of Dhelfi’.
‘116.22 Athens National Museum. Bronze charioteer of Dhelfi’.
‘116.15 Athens National Museum. Bronze charioteer of Dhelfi’.
‘116.16 Athens National Museum. Bronze charioteer of Dhelfi’.
‘116.13 Athens National Museum. Bronze charioteer of Dhelfi’.
‘115.24 Athens. Theseum’.
‘115.21 Athens. Theseum’.
‘115.17 Athens. Roman agora’.
‘115.22 Athens. Theseum & Acropolis’.
‘115.18 Athens. Acropolis from nr Theseum’.
‘115.3 Athens. Satobriandou St.’.
‘115.4 Athens. Satobriandou St.’.
’60.8 Athens Likavittos Hill’.
‘115.16 Athens. Tower of the winds’.
‘115.26 Athens. Theseum’.
‘115.37 Athens. Acropolis. Parthenon’.
‘116.4 Athens. Parthenon NW end’.
‘116.8 Athens. Acropolis. Erektheion. Caryatid & corner of Parthenon’.
‘116.9 Athens. Acropolis. Pathenon. View from north-east’.
‘115.29 Athens. View of Acropolis from Areopagos’.
‘116.7 Athens. Acropolis. Parthenon N side’.
‘116.11 Athens. Acropolis. Temple of Apteros Nike’.
‘115.35 Athens. Acropolis. Temple of Apteros Nike’.
‘115.31 Athens. Acropolis from Areopagos’.
‘115.32 Athens. Acropolis from Areopagos’.
‘116.10 Athens. Acropolis. Temple of Apteros Nike’.
‘116.6 Athens. Erektheion’.
‘116.2 Athens. Erektheion’.
‘115.36 Athens. Acropolis. Propylaea’.
‘116.3 Athens. Erektheion’.
‘116.5 Athens. Acropolis. View to Likavittos’.
‘115.38 Athens. Acropolis. Parthenon’.
‘115.34 Athens. Acropolis. Temple of Apteros Nike’.
‘116.36 Greece. Dhafni. Monastery from SE’.
‘116.35 Greece. Dhafni. Monastery from SW’.
‘116.34 Greece. Dhafni. Church from S’.
‘116.33 Greece. Dhafni. Church from S’.
’60.10 Greece. Dhafni. Church from SE.
‘116.25 Greece. Dhafni. South side’.
‘116.26 Greece. Dhafni. Mosaic in dome – Pantokrator’.
’60.11 Greece. Dhafni. Dome mosaic. The Pantokrator’.
‘116.30 Greece. Dhafni. Mosaic – prayer of Joachim& Anna’.
‘116.28 Greece. Dhafni. Mosaic – raising of Lazarus’.
‘116.31 Greece. Dhafni. Mosaic – betrayal’.
‘116.27 Greece. Dhafni. Mosaic – birth of Christ’.
‘116.32 Greece. Dhafni. Mosaic – washing of the feet’.
‘116.29 Greece. Dhafni. Mosaic – presentation of the Virgin’.
’67.13 Greece. Old Corinth’.
’67.15 Greece. Nemea. Remains of Basilica’.
’67.14 Greece. Nemea. Temple of Zeus’.
’67.23 Greece. Mycenae. Shaft grave circle’.
’67.24 Greece. Mycenae. Corner of the shaft grave circle’.
’67.25 Greece. Mycenae. View from hill showing treasury of Atreus’.
’67.17 Greece. Mycenae. Treasury of Atreus’.
’67.26 Greece. Argive Heraeum. Doves of Hera’.
’67.27 Greece. Khonika. S view of church’.
’67.28 Greece. Khonika. N view of church’.
’67.29 Greece. Plataniti. Church of the Saviour. West view’.
’67.30 Greece. Plataniti. Church of the Saviour. NW view’.
‘132.36 Rhodes. Fortifications. Walls north from Del Carreto Bastion’.
‘132.35 Rhodes. Fortifications. Sculpture & arms on walls’.
‘132.34 Rhodes. Fortifications. Coschino Gate’.
‘132.33 Rhodes. Fortifications. Coschino Gate’.
‘132.32 Rhodes. Fortifications. Defences near Coschino Gate’.
‘132.31 Rhodes. Fortifications. Looking North from Coschino Gate’.
‘132.30 Rhodes. Fortifications. Arms over the Athanasian Gate’.
‘132.29 Rhodes. Fortifications. Athanasian Gate’.
‘132.28 Rhodes. Fortifications. Tower of Spain’.
‘132.26 Rhodes. Fortifications. Tower of Spain’.
‘132.25 Rhodes. Fortifications. Tower of Spain’.
‘132.23 Rhodes Fortifications. Between Amboise Gate & Bastion of St George’.
‘132.22 Rhodes. Fortifications. Amboise Gate & Castello’.
‘132.21 Rhodes. Fortifications. Walls near the Amboise Gate’.
‘132.20 Rhodes. The Old City’.
‘132.19 Rhodes. Old City. Lodge of Italy, & Harbour’.
‘132.17 [Rhodes. Lodge of France]’ .
‘132.16 Rhodes. Old City. Lodge of France’.
‘132.13 Rhodes. Old City. Lodge of France. Arms of France & D’Aubusson’.
‘132.12 Rhodes. Old City. Lodge of France. Parapet & Gargoyle’.
‘132.11 Rhodes. Old City. Lodge of Italy. Modern arms’.
‘132.10 Rhodes. Shields of arms’.
‘133.8 Rhodes. Fortifications. Moat south from Amboise Gate’.
‘133.7 Rhodes. View of Market and Mandracchio’.
‘133.6 Rhodes. View of town’.
‘133.5 Rhodes. Gen. view of town’.
‘133.4 Rhodes. Fortifications. Amboise Gate’.
‘132.3 Rhodes. Fortifications. Walls north from Amboise gate’.
‘129.33 Rhodes. Lindos. Eve Durrell’.
‘129.32 Rhodes. Lindos. St Paul’s Bay’.
‘129.31 Rhodes. Lindos. Castle. Church of St John from east’.
‘129.30 Rhodes. Lindos. Castle. Church of St John from east’.
‘129.29 Rhodes. Lindos. Castle. Portico’.
‘129.22 Rhodes. Lindos. Castle. Portico’.
‘129.21 Rhodes. Lindos. Castle. Church of St John from south’.
‘129.20 Rhodes. Lindos. Castle. Church of St John from east’.
‘129.19 Rhodes. Lindos. Tomb of Cleobulus’.
‘129.18 Rhodes. Lindos. Castle from road’.
‘129.17 Rhodes. Lindos. View from the road’.
‘129.16 Rhodes. Infirmary. Bay window (chapel)’.
‘129.15 Rhodes. Infirmary entrance (museum)’.
‘129.14 [Rhodes. Infirmary. Bay window’.
‘129.13 Rhodes. Mandracchio from St Peter’s Tower’.
‘129.12 Rhodes. Walls to south of St Peter’s Tower’.
‘129.11 Rhodes. Market from St Peter’s tower’.
‘129.10 Rhodes. Town & market from St Peter’s Tower’.
‘129.9 Rhodes. Mandracchio from St Peter’s Tower’.
‘129.8 Rhodes. St Paul’s Gate’.
‘129.7 Rhodes. Mole of St Nicholas from St Paul’s Gate’.
‘129.6 Rhodes. Tower of St Nicholas from St Paul’s Gate’.
‘129.5 Rhodes. St Paul’s Gate’.
‘129.4 Rhodes. Ship offshore’.
‘129.3 Rhodes. Tower of St Nicholas’.
‘122.36 Rhodes. Peial ed Din (Ay Fanourios)’.
‘122.35 Rhodes. Kurmali Medresse (?Ay Markos)’.
‘122.34 Rhodes. Kurmali Medresse (?Ay Markos)’.
‘122.33 Rhodes. St George’s Gate’.
‘122.32 Rhodes. Ay Giorgios’.
‘122.31 Rhodes. Lindos. Viewed from road’.
‘122.30 Rhodes. Lindos. Window to house of Konstantinos’.
‘122.29 Rhodes. Lindos. Doorway to house of Konstantinos’.
‘122.29 Rhodes. Lindos. Medieval doorway’.
‘122.28 Rhodes. Lindos castle’.
‘122.23 Rhodes. Lindos. St Paul’s Cove’.
‘122.22 Rhodes. Lindos. Tomb of Cleobulus from castle’.
‘122.21 Rhodes. Lindos. Church of the Knights from east’.
‘122.13 Rhodes. Street in old city’.
‘122.8 Rhodes. Bathing beach from St Nicholas’ Tower’.
‘122.7 Rhodes. Walls near the St Paul’s Gate’.
‘122.5 Rhodes. St Paul’s Gate’.
‘122.4 Rhodes. St Paul’s Gate’.
‘122.3a Rhodes. Piazza Armeria’.
‘122.2a Rhodes. View of city from walls’.
Black and white print of the interior of the church of the Acheiropoietos, Thessalonike. 7” x 9.25”. Mounted on card and with an inscription to T.W. French dated 9.iv.45.
Photographs taken in Italy.
Wallet labelled ‘Pompei’. 42 black and white prints, 2.75” x 3.75”.
’56.13 Pompeii. Forum’.
’56.14 Pompeii. Forum’.
’56.17 Pompeii. Via dell’ abbondanzia looking toward the new excavations from the Forum’.
’56.18 Pompeii. Wall paintings’.
’56.19 Pompeii. Close up of no. 18’.
’56.20 Pompeii’.
’56.21 Pompeii. Pots in a fuller’s shop’.
’56.22 Pompeii. Roadway’.
’56.24 Pompeii. Marble table stand’ (2 copies).
’56.27 Pompeii [Decorated receptacle]’.
’56.28 Pompeii. Wall painting’.
’56.29 Pompeii. Lararium’.
’57.1 Pompeii’.
’57.2 Pompeii. Decorated lead receptacle’.
’57.3 Pompeii. Marble table’.
’57.4 Pompeii. General view of nos. 2 & 3’.
’57.7 Pompeii [marble legs for table]’.
’57.8 Pompeii. Close up of no. 6’.
’57.9 Pompeii [House of Popidius Celsinus]’.
’57.10 Pompeii [garden]’.
’57.12 Pompeii. Porta Saliniensis (now called Porta Ercolanese)’.
’57.13 Pompeii. Porta Saliniensis’.
’57.14 Pompeii. Porta Saliniensis. View through the gate from the outside’.
’57.15 Pompeii. View from Porta Saliniensis looking down Via dei Sepolcri’.
’57.16 Pompeii. Porta Saliniensis’.
’57.17 Pompeii. Villa of the mosaic columns on the Via dei Sepolcri’.
’57.18 Pompeii. Porta Saliniensis looking up the Via dei Sepolcri from the Villa of the mosaic columns’.
’57.23 Pompeii. Via dei Sepolcri’.
’57.24 Pompeii. Via dei Sepolcri. Mausoleum of Gaius Munatius Faustus (no. 22)’.
’57.25 Pompeii. Via dei Sepolcri. Unknown statue’.
‘57.26 Pompeii. Mausoleums on the Via dei Sepolcri’.
’57.27 Pompeii. Lamnite tombs on the Via dei Sepolcri’.
’57.28 Pompeii. “Arch of Caligula” on the Via di Mercurio’.
’57.29 Pompeii. Vesuvius from the watch tower on the city wall at the end of the Strada di Mercurio’.
’57.30 Pompeii. City wall looking north-east from Tower XI’.
’57.31 Pompeii. City wall looking south-west from Tower XI’.
‘57.32 Pompei. General view of the city from Tower XI looking east’.
’58.16 Pompeii. House of the Vettii. Obscene painting in vestibule’.
[Pompeii. Wall painting].
[Pompeii. Detail of wall painting].
[Pompeii. Detail of mechanism].
Turner & Sons folder. 2 black and white prints, 2.5” x 3.75”.
‘56.26 Pompeii. Wall painting’.
[Same wall painting from further away].
Wallet labelled ‘Naples & Pompeii’. 19 black and white prints, 2.25” x 3.25”.
’58.1 General view of Pompeii’.
’58.4 Pompeii. House 9 no. 4’.
’58.7 Pompeii. House of the Vettii. Mural: Punishment of Dirce’.
’58.8 Pompeii. House of the Vettii. Mural: Ixion bound to the wheel of Hephaestus’.
’58.9 Pompeii. House of the Vettii. Mural: Naval battle’.
’58.10 Pompeii. House of the Vettii. Lararium’ (3 shots).
’58.12 Pompeii. Home of the Vettii. Atrium from the roof’.
’58.17 Pompeii. Pistrinum in Vicolo’.
‘Pompeii [mosaic]’.
‘Pompeii [view of road and ruins]’.
‘Pompeii. Vesuvius from roof of House of the Vettii’.
’58.19 Alban Hills’.
’58.21 Naples. Vesuvius from Campanile of S. Chiara’.
’58.22 Naples. View from Campanile of S. Chiara’.
’58.23 Naples. View from Campanile of S. Chiara with Cathedral in rt background’.
‘58.24 Naples. View from Campanile of S. Chiara’.
[T.W. French? in uniform].
Kodak wallet. 32 black and white negatives in 2 packs labelled ‘Sabratha’; 64 black and white negatives in 4 packs labelled ‘Rome’; 4 other black and white negatives.
Kodak wallet labelled ‘Naples & Pompeii’. 3 black and white negatives of Pompeii; 6 black and white negatives of the interior of S. Domenico Maggiore, Naples.
Wallet labelled ‘Italy. Naples etc.’ 22 black and white prints, 2.75” x 3.75” – 3.5” x 4.5”.
’54.3 Naples street’.
’56.1 Naples Cathedral. Main door by Antonio Baboccio (1407)’.
’56.4 [S. Domenico Maggiore. Organ]’.
’56.5 [S. Domenico Maggiore. Roof]’.
’56.6 S. Domenico Maggiore. Aisle’ (2 copies).
’56.7 S. Domenico Maggiore. Wall painting’.
’56.8 S. Domenico Maggiore. Sacristy’.
’56.10 [S. Domenico Maggiore interior]’ (2 copies).
’56.11 [S. Domenico Maggiore interior]’.
’56.12 [S. Domenico Maggiore interior]’ (2 copies).
’59.1 Naples. S. Gregorio Armeno [Painting: Madonna with child]’.
’59.2 Naples. S. Gregorio Armeno [Detail of wood carving]’.
’59.3 Naples. S. Gregorio Armeno [View through arches]’.
’59.4 Naples. S Gregorio Armeno [Grill]’.
’59.5 Naples. S. Gregorio Armeno [Paintings]’.
’59.6 Naples. S Gregorio Armeno [Grill]’.
’59.7 Naples. S Gregorio Armeno [Altar]’.
’59.8 Naples. S Gregorio Armeno [Detail of painting on ceiling]’.
’59.9 Naples. Castelnuovo’.
’59.10 Bari. Cathedral’.
File labelled ‘Siena 29-30 Aug. 1944’. 56 black and white prints, 3.5” x 3.5”.
’50.1 Arch of San Giuseppe with Tower of Mangia in background’.
’50.2 Il Campo from Via S. Vigilio’.
’50.4 Il Duomo from Via Castoro’.
’50.5 Il Duomo interior’.
’50.6 Il Duomo interior’.
’50.7 Il Duomo interior’.
’50.11 Il Duomo interior’.
’50.9 Il Duomo roof’.
’50.8 Il Duomo interior’.
’50.10 Il Duomo interior’.
’51.1 Il Duomo. High Altar’.
’51.2 Il Duomo. Organ loft and painting “ The Fall of Manna” by Salimbeni 1609’.
’51.4 Il Duomo interior’.
’51.5 Il Duomo. Piccolamini Library, by Pinturricchio 1502-09’.
’51.6 Il Duomo. Interior beneath cupola’.
’51.7 Il Duomo. Interior from organ loft’.
’51.8 Il Duomo. Roof from organ loft’.
’51.9 Il Duomo. “Queen Esther” by Salimbeni 1609’.
’51.10 Il Duomo. Behind High Altar’.
’51.11 Il Duomo. Roof from organ loft’.
’52.7 Facade of the “Baptistery”’.
’52.1 Il Duomo. From top of Duomo Nuovo’.
’52.3 Il Duomo. From top of Duomo Nuovo’.
’52.2 Il Duomo. From top of Duomo Nuovo’.
’52.4 Il Campo and Palazzo del Commune’.
’52.5 General view of Siena’.
’52.6 Museo dell’Opera. “Transfiguration” by Girolamo Genga 1510’.
’51.12 Side view of “Baptistery”’.
’52.9 Palazzo del Commune. Il B. Andrea Gallerani (?) school of Riccio (17th cent)’.
’52.10 Palazzo del Commune. “Maesta by Simone Martini 1315’.
’52.11 Palazzo del Commune. “Body of Virgin borne by Apostles” by Taddeo di Bartolo 1407’.
’52.12 Palazzo del Commune. Iron screen by Giacomo di Giovanni and his sons 1445.
’53.1 Palazzo del Commune. “Sala di Balia”. “Battle of Cape Salvare” by Spinello Aretino’.
’53.2 Palazzo del Commune. “Sala di Balia”. “Scenes in the life of Alexander III” by Spinello Aretino’.
’53.3 Palazzo del Commune. “Sala di Balia”. “Scenes in the life of Alexander III” by Spinello Aretino’.
’53.4 Palazzo del Commune. “The Good Government” by Ambrogio Lorenzetti 1338-40’.
’53.7 Palazzo del Commune. “Coronation of the Virgin” by Sano di Pietro 1445’.
’53.5 Palazzo del Commune. “Coronation of the Virgin” by Sano di Pietro 1445’.
’53.6 Palazzo del Commune. “Coronation of the Virgin” by Sano di Pietro 1445’.
’53.8 Palazzo del Commune. “San Bernardino” by Sano di Pietro 1445’.
’53.9 Palazzo del Commune. Antique wooden settee’.
’53.12 Baptistery interior’.
’53.10 Bapistery interior’.
’53.12 Baptistery interior’.
’54.1 Il Duomo from Via Castoro’.
’54.2 Il Duomo from near San Domenico’.
’54.3 Casa di Sta Caterina. Loggia by Giovanni Battista Pelori 1533’.
’54.4 Il Duomo from Casa di Sta Caterina’.
’54.5 Casa di Sta Caterina. Oratoria della Cucina’.
‘54.6 Casa di Sta Caterina. Loggia’.
’54.7 Casa di Sta Caterina. “Oratorio della Contrada dell’Oca”’.
’54.8 S. Domenico. “La Tintoria” by Girolamo del Pacchia’.
’54.9 Unknown painting in San Domenico’.
’54.12 Unknown painting in San Domenico’.
‘54.11 San Domenico. Chapel of S. Caterina. “Execution of Andreas di Tulo” by Sodoma 1526’.
’54.10 Unknown painting in San Domenico’.
Wallet labelled ‘Siena’. 56 black and white prints, 3.25” x 3.25”.
’50 Il Duomo interior’. 6 different prints.
’50.1 Siena. Arch of S. Giuseppe’.
’50.2 “Campo” from Via S. Vigilio’.
’50.3 Tower of the Mangia’.
’50.4 Il Duomo from Via Castoro’.
’50.9 Il Duomo interior, roof’.
’51.1 Siena. Il Duomo. High altar by Peruzzi 1532’.
’51.2 Il Duomo. N organ loft & painting “The Fall of Manna”, by Salimbeni 1609’.
’51.3 Il Duomo. High altar and painting “Queen Esther” by Salimbeni’.
’51.4 Il Duomo interior’.
’51.5 Il Duomo. Piccolomini Library with paintings by Pinturrichio 1502-9’.
’51.6 Il Duomo interior’.
’51.7 Il Duomo interior from orhan loft’.
’51.8 Il Duomo interior’.
’51.9 Il Duomo. Painting “ Queen Esther” by Salimbeni’.
’51.10 Il Duomo [Behind High Altar]’ .
’51.11 Il Duomo interior’.
’51.12 Baptistery’.
’52.1 Siena. Il Duomo, from top of Duomo Nuovo’.
’52.2 Il Duomo [From top of Duomo Nuovo]’.
’52.3 Il Duomo [From top of Duomo Nuovo]’.
’52.4 Il Campo and Palazzo Communale’.
’52.5 Siena [view over city].
’52.6 Museo dell’Opera. “Transfiguration” by Girolamo Genga 1510’.
’52.7 Baptistery’.
’52.9 Palazzo Communale. “Il B. Andrea Gallerani’ by school of Riccio 17th cent(?)’.
’52.10 Palazzo Communale. “Maesta” by Simone Martini 1315’.
’52.11 Palazzo Communale. “Dormition of the Virgin” by Taddeo di Bartolo 1407’.
’52.12 Palazzo Communale. Iron screen by Iac. della Quercia 1434’.
’53.1 Palazzo Communale. Sala di Balia “Battle of Cape Salvore” by Spinello Aretino’.
’53.2 Palazzo Communale. Sala di Balia ““Scenes from the life of Alexander III” by Spinello Aretino’.
’53.3 Palazzo Communale. Sala di Balia “Scenes from the life of Alexander III” by Spinello Aretino’.
’53.4 Palazzo Communale. “The Good Government” by Ambrogio Lorenzetti 1338-1340’.
‘53.5 Palazzo Communale. “Coronation of the Virgin” by Sano di Pietro 1445’.
’53.6 Palazzo Communale. “Coronation of the Virgin” by Sano di Pietro 1445’.
’53.7 Palazzo Communale. “Coronation of the Virgin” by Sana di Pietro 1445’.
’53.9 Palazzo Communale [Antique wooden settee]’.
’53.10 Baptistery [interior]’.
’53.11 Baptistery [interior]’.
’53.12 Baptistery [interior]’.
[54.1 Il Duomo from Via Castoro].
[54.2 Il Duomo from near San Domenico].
[54.3 Casa di Sta Caterina. Loggia by Giovanni Battista Pelori 1533].
[54.4 Il Duomo from Casa di Sta Caterina].
[54.5 Casa di Sta Caterina. Oratoria della Cucina].
[54.6 Casa di Sta Caterina. Loggia].
[54.7 Casa di Sta Caterina. “Oratorio della Contrada dell’Oca”].
[54.8 S. Domenico. “La Tintoria” by Girolamo del Pacchia].
[54.9 Unknown painting in San Domenico].
[54.10 Unknown painting in San Domenico].
[54.11 San Domenico. Chapel of S. Caterina. “Execution of Andreas di Tulo” by Sodoma 1526].
’54.12 [Unknown painting in San Domenico]’.
Kodak wallet labelled ‘Siena. Scratched negs.’ 16 black and white negatives; 1 black and white negative of T.W. French? in uniform.
Pack labelled ‘Papale Arcibasilica Lateranense Roma’. 24 black and white postcards.
Pack labelled ‘La Disfida di Barletta. Serie di n. 12 cartoline con cenni storici’. 15 black and white postcards.
27 loose postcards:
Catania. 5 different cards.
El Djem – Le Colisée.
Lanciano. 6 different cards.
Manfredonia – Castello Angioino.
Messina – Il Duomo con l’orologio storico.
Orsogna – Palazzo Scolastico.
Roma. 4 different cards of the Basilica di S. Agnese.
Sfax – L’Avenue de Paris et la Place Gérome-Fidelle.
Siracusa. 6 different cards.
Torricella Peligna – Panorama col M. Maiella.
Fragments of pottery.
45 small fragments of pottery, most bearing geometric designs. Some have ‘Dimini’ written on them and one has ‘Asea(?) Mar 45’.
Donated by Mrs Hilary McElroy and Mrs Charlotte Pinder, T.W. French’s daughters, in 2001.