Francis Sandford, The history of the coronation of the most high, most mighty, and most excellent monarch, James II (London, 1687).
The coronation feast, complete with spectators, and a detail of a long-suffering parader carrying the kettledrums, in Francis Sandford's book detailing James II's accession, produced two years after the event, and one year before James was removed from the throne by the "Glorious" Revolution. The sumptuous illustrations also show the regalia worn, plans of all the buildings involved, and fireworks on the Thames.
Sandford was a herald whose major work was a royal genealogy produced under Charles II, but later he became attached to James, resigning on the arrival of William and Mary. He ended up dying in a debtor's prison, a fate that can only have been hastened by the production of this volume which, due to James's subsequent rapid fall from grace, did not have a market and only just covered its expenses.
Given by Ralph Griffin.