St John's College Rugby cap and blazer
c. 1890. Cap: black with vertical red stripes, badge of eagle and crown in gold thread. Blazer: black with vertical red stripes, three pockets, five buttons. These items belonged to Thomas Leonard Jackson (matric. 1889, BA 1892) who played for the College Rugby team throughout his undergraduate career and served as captain during the 1891-2 season. He also played for the University in the Varsity match of 1892.
Given by Mrs Dorothy Griffiths, 2003. Jackson box.
St John's College General Athletic Club blazer
c. 1920. Cream with vertical red (faded to pink) double stripes, three pockets, three gold buttons. The breast pocket bears the arms of St John's College and the letters 'S.J.C.G.A.C.' i.e. St John's College General Athletic Club. A label inside reads 'R. Buttress & Co. University outfitters Cambridge'. This blazer belonged to Lewis Henry Titterton. Titterton studied Hebrew and Aramaic at St John's, and graduated with a First Class in the Oriental Languages Tripos in 1923. In 1924 he was elected to a Choate Fellowship at Harvard University.
Given by Charles F. Titterton (LHT's eldest son) via Allan Maitland (LHT's nephew), 2008. Titterton Box.
St John's College General Athletic Club blazer and tie
c.1932. Cream with vertical red double stripes, three pockets, seven silver buttons. The breast pocket bears the arms of St John's College and the letters 'S.J.C.G.A.C.' i.e. St John's College General Athletic Club. A label inside reads 'Ryder & Amies Cambridge' and bears the name R.L. Glover and the date 10.4.32 in manuscript. The matching tie is cream with red double stripes and bears a Ryder & Amies label. These items belonged to Roderick Lewis Glover (BA 1928).
Given by Professor Gyles Roderick Glover (RLG's son), 2008. R.L. Glover box.
St John's College General Athletic Club blazer
c. 1937. Cream with vertical red double stripes, three pockets, seven gold buttons. The breast pocket bears the arms of St John's College and the letters 'S.J.C.G.A.C.' i.e. St John's College General Athletic Club. A label inside reads 'Richardson & Son 56, Bridge St. Cambridge' and is signed 'G.A. Price'. This blazer belonged to Geoffrey Arthur Price who studied Economics and Law at St John's, graduating BA in 1939.
Given by Mrs W.K.C. Griffiths (G.A. Price's daughter), 2007. Price Box.
St John's College Hockey Club blazer
c. 1943. Black with vertical red stripes, edged with cream. Three pockets, seven gold buttons. The breast pocket bears the initials SJCHC and crossed hockey sticks embroidered in white. The label inside reads 'R. Buttress & Co, Ltd., Cambridge'. A name label read 'Lieut. V. Evans', ie Vincent Evans (1924-2014) who graduated BA in 1945, and was awarded his first XI hockey colours in 1943-4.
Deposited 2017 by the Hockey Club. Clothing box.
Lady Margaret Boat Club cap
Late 19th/early 20th century. Red velvet, with eagle and crown badge in brocade, and gold braid tassel. A label inside the cap reads 'R. Buttress & Co University Outfitters Cambridge'.
Provenance unknown. LMBC collection.
Mus.D. gown of George Mursell Garrett
c. 1867. Cream (decorated with floral design) and red silk. A label inside reads 'R. Buttress & Co Ltd' and bears the name 'Robin Orr'. This gown belonged to George Mursell Garrett (Mus.B. 1857, Mus.D. 1867), Organist of St John’s College 1857-97, and University Organist 1873-97. From Garrett the gown passed to Cyril Bradley Rootham (BA 1897, College Organist 1901-38) and from Rootham to Robin Orr (Mus.B. 1932, College Organist 1938-51).
Given by Mrs Doris Orr, April 2008. Garrett box.
Scarf and tie
Tie by Buttress & Co., Cambridge, with diagonal black and blue stripes divided by narrow red and white stripes. Woollen scarf, with horizontal stripes as for the tie.
Donated by Lady Paskin, wife of Sir J.J. Paskin (BA 1918), June 1984. LMBC collection.
Blue tie decorated with six white swans. Given by Sir Robert Somerville (BA 1929), Dec. 1982. An accompanying letter to Guy Lee explains that this tie 'was designed for a small group of Johnians who met together to read Shakespeare plays ... It started when I was an undergraduate, in or about 1926/27 ... The design of the tie of course refers to the Swan of Avon.'
Clothing box.
Maroon tie decorated with seven golden swans. Given by Allan Maitland (BA 1956), June 2008. The Swans Club was a social club restricted to seven members, including Mr Maitland and Colin Denham-Davis (matric. 1951).
Clothing box.