MRJ number
College classmark

   Vellum, 9.5 x 6.5, ff. 233 + 4, double columns of 39, 43, etc. lines.  14th cent., in several hands, all foreign.

   Donor, T. C. S.                                                                     2 fo. nec multum ledens.

   On the last page:

                                Swandall presbiter habet hunc

                                pro suo libello parson fortayn of Seint Stevyn

                                at Westmynster. 153..

   Collation :  a2 18 (wants 5 – 8 ?), a quire gone, 28 – 178 186 198 206 (wants 6) | 218 – 268 27? (three) 288 – 308 316 | 32 (one) b2.

   On the flyleaf some notes of debts or payments, etc. in Flemish.


   Contents :

        1.  Inc. lilium medicine editum a mag. B(ernardo) de Gorgonio

                   (Gordonio)          .               .               .               .               .               .        f.     1

                Interrogatus est (?) a quodam socrates

                    -post annum xx lecture nostre.  A. d. mo ccco xio mense


                Capitula prime partis.

                Text.  Febris est calor innaturalis (?) .               .               .               1b

                Lib. VII ends f. 204b : libellus de graduatione.  Expl. lib. Deo

                   gr. explectus est liber benedictus deus in secula. bene possum

                   igitur dicere, hoc opus exegi quod nec iouis ira, etc. – abolere

                   uetustas. a. d. mo ccco xiio die martis ante cineres.

         2.    Inc. lib. Ioh. de S. amando de conferentibus et nocentibus          .               205

                Sicut dicit G(alienus) primo simplicis medicine cao viiio in fine

                    -et ipsum confortantem. exp(l). lib. etc.

         3.    f. 233 is in another and better hand : it has a number of short

                   sections : the first,

                de digestiuis cole sinplicibus.

                Ends 233b : tenes que dicte (?) sunt supra a magro Ioh. de palma.

                Various receipts are scribbled in empty spaces.            

Manuscript extra information

P.R. Robinson, Catalogue of dated and datable manuscripts c.737-1600 in Cambridge libraries (Cambridge, 1988) vol. I, p. 87, no. 304; vol. II pl. 135 (fol. 61).