MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 9.5 x 6, ff. 57 + 2, 42 lines to a page.  14th-15th cent., well written:

not English hand.

    Donor, T. C. S.  Priced 15S.

    From St Augustine's, Canterbury.  On flyleaf, title:

                                De librario monasterii S. Aug. iuxta Cant.

   De aquisicione ffr. Thome Welde

   Distinctione xa Gra. iiio.

 (whose name occurs again on flyleaf).

    Ancient Libraries, p. 534.  Not in the catalogue.

    Collation: 2 flyleaves, 18 - 78 (+1).

    On flyleaf:

                         Nicolaus de Maisereyo clericus Baiocen. dioc. iiii flor.


       Inc. formularium Audientie pro  grossariis et procuratoribus utile.              f. 1

       Et est notandum quod lictere domini  pape alie bullantur cum

         serico alie cum filio (!) Canapis.

       In a large number of the formulae the names are given at length.

       Ends 57b: partibus conuocatis, etc.

       Finito libro sit laus et gloria Christo.

Manuscript extra information


Contains an early recension of the Formularicum audientiae contradictarum of the later years of Boniface VIII (c. 1302 -1304).  See G. Barraclough, Audientia Litterarum Contradictarum, Dictionnaire de Droit Canonique, Vol. 1 (Paris, 1965), and P. Herde, 'Der Zeugenzwang in den päpstlichen Delegationsreskripten des Mittelalters', Traditio (1962).

On the back of first flyleaf 'Nicolaus de Maisereyo clericus Baiocen diocesis' is possibly the scribe of the manuscript which originated in the Papal Chancery of Avignon about the middle of the 14th century.

Presumably about 1400 the MS. became the property of Thomas Welde, monk at St Augustine's, Canterbury.  It then passed into the Library of William Crashaw.  Thomas, Earl of Southampton left it to St John's College.  See M. R. James, The Ancient Libraries of Canterbury and Dover (Cambridge, 1903).