MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 7.375 x 4.875, ff. 1 + 20 + 402, 28 - 36 lines to a page.  Late 13th cent. and 15th ?, in a rather current hand. 

    Donor, T. C. S.

    On f. i: R. Benet (cf. C.9).

    From Durham Priory.  On f. 1: G. Distincciones etc. de communi librario monachorum Dunelm.

    Entered in the Catalogue of 1395.  Catt. Vett., p. 68 (Surtees Society).

    Collation: 1 flyleaf, a12 b8, 112 212 (+ slip) 312 - 912 (1 replaced) 1012 - 1212 1314 1412 1514 166 | 1714 - 2114 2212 - 2712 2814 2914 3012 - 3212 336.

    On verso of flyleaf verses in the hand which occurs again at the end, e.g.:

                                   Cum giezi iudas cum symone fur ananyas

                                   In claustro Christi semper sunt quatuor isti

and a note on temptation.

    Quires a, b, of 14th-15th cent. have an alphabetical table ending f. xxa, verso blank.


           1.    Inc. tractatus qui dicitur compendium theologice ueritatis

                     (attributed to S. Thomas and others)    .         .         .         .         .         .        f.  1

                  Ueritatis theologice sublimitas.

                  Lib. VII ends 183a: recipiet sine fine.  Expl. summa que

                     dicitur compend. theol. verit.

           2.    In the hand of the table.

                  Domus quatuor inueniuntur in sacra scriptura     .         .         .         .         .      183b

                  De triplici innocentia and similar notes, f. 185.

           3.    In older hand: Table of the Distinctions in triple columns.                                 187b

                  190b blank.

           4.    Inc. Distinctiones Mag. Nicholai [Goram]          .          .         .         .         .       191

                  Abeuncium per hunc modum

                  Ends 395a (Zelus): intremus ad nupcias cum d. I. C. amen.


           5.    A considerable collection of memorial verses, and a few short

                      apophthegms    .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .         .       395b

                        Peccantem dampnare caue quia labimur omnes

                        Aut sumus aut fuimus aut possumus esse quod hic est.

                  The last, 399b, is on Ista excitant superbiam.

                  On 400a, in the same hand: De prouisione oxonie.

                        Rome poet fere et defere · si fet ele trop souent

                        {Th}at nis no{th}er wel ne veyre · for {th}i is holy cherche ysend

                        Merewele est de deu vykere · ki a tel conseil consent.

                        {Th}e man nis na{y}t wor{th} {th}re eyre · {th}at wel do{th} and su{thth}e went

                        Nostre Roy de Engletere · par le conseil de sa gent

                        Wolde a nywe laghe arere · and makede a muchel perlement

                        Tuz y uindrent les Euekes · e le baruns ensement.

                        And alle iswore {th}t {th}er were · and hulde taperes ytent

                        La purueance est de cyre io lenteng e byn le say

                        And is hyolde touez {th}e fyre and is ymolten al away

                        Jeo ne say mes ke dyre mes tot yua t'bolay

                        Curt and laghe hundred a syre · al it god aduuele vay.

                  More notes and verses follow: on 401 a prognostic of thunder in the various

                    months.  On 401b, forms of homage and fealty in French.

                                        Quant franc homme fra homage.

                  At bottom of 402a: xxiis viid ob.

Manuscript extra information

Negative microfilm in St John's College Library.


Fol. 400a, De prouisione oxonie, is a version of a song reproduced in Thomas Wright (ed.), The political songs of England, from the reign of John to that of Edward II,  Camden Society (London, 1839), pp. 253-8, taken from the Auchinleck MS., in the National Library of Scotland.