MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 10.625 x 6.5, ff. 121, 30-36 lines to a page.  15th cent., in current hands.

    Donor, T. C. S.

    Modern binding.

    Collation: 112 - 412 510 612 - 1012 11 (three).


        1.  Stimulus Conscientiae, attributed to Richard Rolle of Hampole.

             f. 1 is torn and soiled.

                      (The ) myghte of…..

                      (The) wysdom of…..

             Ends f. 118a:

                      To whilke place he us bryng

                      {th}at for us vouched saue on rode to hyng.

           Expl. trattus qui dicitur consciencie stimulus.

           Here endes {th}e tretice {th}at es cald ye key of knowyng.

           Below (xv-xvi):

           Knowe all men by these presentes me & Cetezein Coiffer of

               london and stedfastly to bounde to R. of Watford in the

               Counte of hertford husbandeman in Cli  of lawfull money of

               Englond vel sic in xli sterlyng.

        2.  Articles concerning London     .        .         .         .         .          .       f.  118b

             These articules byth off Enquest ffor the kyng & the cite

               shall be charged ffor to enquier in the wardmo{th}e, etc.

             The articulus  touchyng the good rule kepyng and honeste of

               the Citie of london    .         .        .          .         .         .         .               118b

             Articules touchyng {th}e  ry{y}th and comen profite of {th}e citie        119

             Articulus touchyng oppressorys and o{th}er deffaunters    .          .       119b

             Articulis ayenst pepyll ffor fier    .         .         .         .          .          .      120

             The oth for them that shall be put under franke plegge.       .          .      120b

             Below: Non est in speculo res quam speculamur in illo

                          Emenit (!) et non est in muliere fydes.

Manuscript extra information



See C. Brown and R. H. Robbins, The index of Middle English verse, no. 3428 - the 'northern' version of the text.