MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 10.375 x 7.375, ff. 2 + 104 + 100, two volumes.  14th cent., in more than one clear hand.

    Given by W. Beale (Master, 1633-44).

    Formerly belonged to Peterhouse: it is entered in the Old Register

(of 1418) as no. 157.  In Thomas James’s Catalogue (1600) it is no. 20.

    See my Catalogue of the manuscripts at Peterhouse, p. 357.

    On the flyleaf:  Lib. W. de Cantuar (added above: Willelmi Witleseye

Archiep. Cant.) relictus collegio Canteb.

    Collation:  2 flyleaves, 112 – 812 98 || 112 – 612 76 812 910.


           I.  Double columns of 33 lines.

                Quintilianus de causis.

                Ex incendio domus

                A shield quarterly, obliterated or unfinished, is sketched above.

                Actio xx ends f.  104b  si censueritis tandem emaculet.

                A note follows in a neat hand of the 15th cent. often met with in the Peterhouse MSS.

                    Premissum hoc opusculum intitulatur quintilianus de causis.  It quotes

                    Hugutio and Jerome.


           II.   Double columns of 46-47 lines, closely written.

                  Petri Blesensis Epistolae CLI.  P. L. CCVII.

                  Ep. 1.    Henrico d. g. illustrissimo anglorum regi.

          2.    Consolacio super morte iunioris regis.  Audiui et conturbatus est.

    Ep. 151, Senonensi archiepiscopo, ends f.  100a:  quia uultum tuum domine


     A later list of the letters follows, and some yet later scribbled notes on Peter

       of Blois.