Philosophical Society
The Society
The Philosophical Society aims to promote the study and popularisation of philosophy outside of the course at Cambridge. Philosophy as a discipline is multifaceted, from metaphysics to aesthetics, Wittgenstein to Sartre, anyone can become quickly engrossed in the study of philosophy. Cambridge is second to none with its philosophical history, St John's college itself harbouring alumni such as Thomas Hobbes and Margaret Cavendish. All students and researchers of Philosophy at St John's are automatically members of the society; this includes undergraduates, postgraduates, Fellows, and researchers. However, anyone with an interest in philosophy is more than welcome to attend events hosted by the society.
Events throughout the year will vary between academic and social, sometimes a mix of both. With our great links to philosophers throughout the country, the society at John's will seek to host talks by a variety of individuals to harbour the plethora of philosophical interests. Nonetheless, it is one of our goals to make philosophy accessible. For this reason, there will be a mixture of talks given by academics and talks given by students. Social events will include dinners, quiz nights and casual discussions. Moreover, events will occasionally be collaborative with other societies.
The Committee
Committee 2023-24
President: Gerard Kornacki (gk443)
Junior Treasurer: Hari Collins (htgmc2)
Senior Treasurer: Jessie Munton (jm2200)
Secretary: Theo Langslow (tjbl3)