The works of Philipp Melanchthon (1497-1560) with manuscript passages signed by 16th-century reformers
This copy of the complete works of the leading Reformation theologian Philipp Melanchthon (printed 1562-64) bears extensive manuscript passages in Latin and Greek, dated 1564, on its endpapers and fly-leaves. These were inscribed by various of his pupils at Wittenberg University. Among the names inscribed here are those of various Reformation figures, Paul Eber (first image), Paul Crell (second image), Kaspar Cruciger the younger, Heinrich Moller of Hamburg, and perhaps most notably Georg Major (third and fourth images). Major (1502-74) studied under both Melanchthon and Luther at Wittenberg, supported the Elector of Saxony against the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in the Schmalkaldic Wars, and produced the Wittenberg edition of Luther's works.
Donated by Peter Gunning.