Clinical Society

Clinical Society banner

The Society

The St John's College Society for Clinical Medics aims to promote the study of Clinical Medicine among College members and to offer support to current students. The society is very unique in being one of few collegiate societies for Clinical Medics. The aim is to promote engagement between College and Clinical Medics, who are often under-represented in College due to the nature and demands of their course. Our members are all Clinical Medics, Fellows, and researchers at St John's, but anyone who shares a lively interest in clinical medicine, including Medical Tripos undergraduates, are very welcome to attend our events. 

We organise various social and academic events throughout the year, such as advice sessions (including an Elective information event), talks (educational and revision talks), as well as large annual dinners to create a sense of community among Johnian Clinical Medics and actively encourage participation with language-related events. Some of our events, including a large annual dinner, involve collaboration with other St John's Societies. 

Please contact the President/s or your Year Representatives for information about upcoming events. 

The Committee

Committee 2024-25

Co-Presidents: Matthew West (mw786) and Annabel Poon (ayxp2)

Vice-Presidents: William Tan (www2) and Bilal Qureshi (bwq20)

Secretary: Mariam Binham (mb2414)

Junior Treasurers: Yusuf Adia (yma24)

Senior Treasurer: Dr Fleur Kilburn-Toppin (fk224)


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