Browne 1406 (formerly K.1). Qur'an. Arabic.
Paper. 210 x 150mm. 450 fos. Collation: 112, 210-4410, 458.
Naskhi script, vocalised and rubricated, within red borders. 11 lines to a page. The opening 2 pages have decorated borders of blue, red and yellow.
Blind tooled brown/red goatskin Islamic binding with flap.
A plainly written Qur'an presented to the College in 1639 by Theodore Holdich.
Inscription on fo.2r '1639 Theodorus Holdich, huius Collegii olim discipulus, e transmarinis ad orientem regionibus una cum Mercatoribus, quibus erat a sacris, iam post septennium redux, hunc librum Ioannensi Bibliothecae, observantiae et amoris ergo D.D.D.'
1710 College bookplate inside back cover.