Virtue Signalling
You are very welcome to come and hear the views of our preachers within the beautiful setting of Evensong on Sundays at 6.30pm.
This term our preachers will speak to one of the seven christian virtues and explore what it means to be a virtuous person and live a ‘good life’. The term ‘virtue signalling’ is often levelled as a criticism, but can the virtues of prudence, fortitude, temperance, justice, faith, hope, and love provide a framework for shaping our character, serving our communities and living in the world today?
Preacher: The Rev’d Graham Dunn
Chaplain, St John's College, Cambridge
For the Chaplain's own page click here.

Preacher: The Rev’d David Barrett KHC CF
Deputy Chaplain General, British Army
The Rev'd David Barrett was ordained as a Methodist minister in 1992 and joined the Royal Army Chaplains’ Department in 1999. He served as a regimental chaplain in both the United Kingdom and Germany before a series of appointments in formation headquarters. He has deployed on operations to the Balkans, Iraq and Afghanistan. He became Deputy Chaplain General in 2022 and is currently based in Army Headquarters. He is a King’s Honorary Chaplain. David’s wider interests include running, travel and following the ups and downs of his hometown football club, Blackpool.

Preacher: The Rev'd Canon Jutta Brueck
Vicar, St Mary the Great, Cambridge
Jutta is the Vicar at Great St. Mary’s, having served in parish and higher education ministry in London, Cambridge and Ipswich. A previous chaplain of Fitzwilliam College and Priest-in-Charge of St. James, Wulfstan Way, Cambridge, she moved to Ipswich in 2015 to lead a process of renewal and growth of St Thomas, Ipswich. This involved developing a new monastic community in the parish and helping to found the Society of the Holy Trinity, an umbrella organisation for Anglican urban new monastic communities. Before coming to Great St Mary’s, she was the community dean of a new ecumenical, religious community focused on young people at the former convent of All Hallows in Ditchingham. She is an honorary canon of St Edmundsbury Cathedral, where she leads on Benedictine ethos.

Preacher: Fr Paul Keane
Chaplain, Fisher House
Paul is a priest of the Diocese of Brentwood (Essex and East London) and has been the Catholic Chaplain to the University of Cambridge since 2022. Born and raised in London, he read History at Peterhouse, and trained for the priesthood in Rome at the Venerable English College. Prior to coming to Cambridge, Paul was vice-rector of St Mary’s Seminary, Oscott College, Birmingham and formerly Chaplain at the University of Essex.

Preacher: The Rev'd Prebendary Dr Isabelle Hamley
Principal, Ridley Hall
Isabelle Hamley is currently principal of Ridley Hall, after holding posts as Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury, parish priest and university chaplain. She’s a speaker, writer and broadcaster, with a particular interest in questions of justice, violence and trauma. Her publications include God of Justice and Mercy: A Theological Commentary on the Book of Judges and Embracing Justice. She has also written on faith on mental health, in collaboration with Chris Cook and John Swinton.

Preacher: The Rt Rev'd Rob Wickham
Chief Executive Officer, The Church Urban Fund
Rob was ordained in 1998 and served as parish priest in Willesden, Kings Cross and Hackney. In 2015 he was appointed Bishop of Edmonton and in 2023 CEO of Church Urban Fund, a charity set up following the landmark Faith in the City report. Rob read Human Geography at Durham University and has an MA in Theology, Politics and Faith Based Organisations from King’s London. His thesis was on the political theology of Joshua Watson. Rob is passionate about Gospel priority to challenge unjust structures of society, and mission shaped by the margins. He is married to Helen and they have three children.

Preacher: The Rev’d Dr Victoria Johnson
Dean, St John's College, Cambridge
For the Dean's own page click here.

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