St John's College S.20 (James 413)

A Non-Conformist's commonplace. English, c. 1670


A theological commonplace, documenting the author's non-conformist principles (as at fo. 51r, for example). Containing systematic arguments on theological issues, from 'whether frizld, curld & bushy foreheads be a dress becoming modest & vertuous woemen?' (fo. 26r), to 'Whether there might not have been another world before this?' (fo. 30r), and from 'Whether walking Ghosts be the spirits of the deceased or devils?' (fo. 33r), to the fundamental argument 'That there is a God' (fo. 24). A long debate between Humfreys, Radcliff, Calvert [?Thomas Calvert, 1606-79] and 'my self' over Sanderson's arguments for conformity (fo. 54r). 'Animadversions upon Sober-Seeking, The Second Part' (fo. 70r). 'My Letter to Mr S.' (fo. 83v). An exchange of letters between the author and 'Mr N. L.', referring to Robert Sanderson's Reason and Judgement (1663) is at fos 90v-94r. 'Advice against Melancholy' (fo. 96v). From the end of the vol. are 'Notae ex Epist. Clementis ad Corinthios' (fo. 199v); 'Rixatur semper cum paupertate podagra' (fo. 195v); and a copy of the memorial to Elizabeth Strickland, Sir Thomas Strickland Bt, and Francis Pile Bt (fo. 193v).

Manuscript extra information

184x140 mm. 200 fos (11, 97-192 blank) with an additional, unnumbered bifolium loosely inserted. Small College bookplate inside front cover.

All in a single, small hand, except the verses on fo. 195. Paper. Limp vellum binding, defective at spine and back cover.