St John's College L.4 (James 361)

French books in the Library of John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln. French, 1634


'Deux Catalogues des livres François qui se trouvent au Palais de Bucden en l'exquise Bibliotheque de Monseigneur l'Evesque de Lincolne ... a Lincolne le 20 de Decembre 1634'. The first catalogue (pp. 1-28) lists the books by author or writer, while the second (pp. 29-64) lists them by title. The Bishop of Lincoln in question was John Williams (1582-1650), Fellow and Benefactor of St John's College, subsequently Archbishop of York. The class-marks or shelf-marks consist of a Greek letter and a running number. None of these books, then in the Bishop's Palace at Buckden, Lincs., seems to have come to the Library.

Manuscript extra information

200x151 mm. iv+64 pp. College bookplate (eighteenth century) inside front cover.

Single hand throughout, with very few corrections. There are a few inconsequential notes in a smaller, seventeenth-century hand on the front cover. Paper. Original limp vellum binding with slots for two pairs of ties.