MRJ number
College classmark

    Vellum, 11.9 x 8.1, ff. 62 + 2, double columns of 31 lines.  Late 15th cent., in a clear black hand.

    Binding, rough skin on boards, clasps gone.

    Donor, T. C. S.                                                                                    2 fo. sternia. 

    In cover:  Sr Tho Chaloner (xvi).

    Collation:  1 flyleaf, 18-78 86, 1 flyleaf.

    The book must have belonged to Syon monastery (Isleworth) the only house of the   

    Birgittine order in England:  but it is not to be found in the catalogue of the Syon

    Library edited by Miss Bateson.




          1.     Regula sancti saluatoris domini nostri Ihesu Christi.

                 Continet capitula ista (24)  .               .               .               .               .               .               .               f. 1

                 At end of captiula.  Orate pro uestro Waltero.

                 Regule s. saluatoris. de humilitate castitate et paupertate

                     cap. I .               .               .               .               .               .               .               .               .               .               1 b

                 Principium itaque huius religionis et salutis.

                 Ends f. 17: terra sunt et in terram reuertentur.

          2.     Inc. regula b. Augustini Episcopi (XXXII 1377, etc.)                             17

                 Cap. I.  Ante omnia fratres karissimi diligatur deus.

                 Ends in Cap. VII:  et in temptacionem non inducantur.

                 ff.  23, 24 blank.

           3.   Form of profession for one entering the Birgittine order                          25

                 Rubric.  Ad professionem celebrandam iuxta regulam s. sal-

                     uatoris.  episcopus pontificalibus indutus accedat.

                 The questions and answers are given in Latin and English.

                  Music on a four-line stave.

                 In the Litany among others.  Martyrs :  Magnus, Fremund.

                     Confessors:  Erkenwald, Wlstan, William, David, Cedda,

                 Hugo.  Virgins :  Birgitta (2nd), Sitha, Wenefreda, Editha,

                 Mildreda, Etheldreda, Milburga . . .Domitilla (last).

          4.     Quod episcopus diocesanus sit uisitator huius religionis.  Regule

                     S.  Saluatoris Cap. XXIII       .          .          .          .          .          .     43

                 This is the same text as above in the body of the rule.

                 Then follows: 

                 Qualiter visitabit episcopus, 43b.

                 Articuli de quibus episcopus habet interrogare, etc., 44b.

                 Quibus casibus abbatissa et confessor corrigendi sunt, 45b.

                 Sequentes articuli legantur in visitacione episcopi, 47b.

                 Sequens articulus legatur in electione abbatisse, etc., 49.

                 De confirmacione et installacione abbatisse et generalis con-    

                     fessoris, etc., 49 b.

                 Obseruancie circa installacionem generalis confessoris, 50b.

          5.     Hand changes to a tall narrow English one.

                 Order for consecration of an Abbess     .          .           .          .           .   51              

                 In die consecracionis Abbatisse ad summam missam pulsentur

                     omnes campane et.

                 Questions and answers are given in English.   

                 Music on four-line stave.

           6.    Hand changes to a more current one.

                 Order for promotion of a brother    .          .          .           .         .             59b    

                 In bulla Martini quinti continetur facultas promouendi pro-

                     fessum in inferiori ad altiorem gradum, etc.

                 Ending f.  61b. 

Manuscript extra information

Negative microfilm in St John’s College Library.

The Middle English versions of this rule are reviewed by C.D. Evelyn,

‘Instructions for Religious’ in J. B. Severs (ed.),  A Manual of the Writings in Middle English (Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1970), 464-72, 656-7; this manuscript is not mentioned there. 

J. Hogg (ed.),  The Rewyll of St. Sauioure:  and other Middle English Brigittine texts vol. 2 (Salzburg, 1978)

C. F. R. De Hamel, Syon Abbey:  the Library of the Bridgettine nuns and their peregrenations after the Reformation  (Roxburghe Club, 1991)