Going Deeper - Bible Study, Reading Groups & Student Alpha

We try to keep all services in Chapel as open as possible so that everyone feels welcome but that does not mean faith at university should be superficial.  Each week there are a variety of small groups that meet around college for discussion, prayer and support to help you deepen your faith.

From the small mid-week eucharist at 8am on a Wednesday morning to the Christian Union prayers at 8am on a Friday or the Contemplative Prayer Group on a Tuesday, there are lots of opportunities to pray more intimately and personally.

And whether you are new to faith or have already made a commitment, it can be very helpful to talk things through and support one another in small groups.  These tend to vary from term to term but recent years have seen a regular lunchtime Bible study with food for body and soul, a variety of reading groups looking at CS Lewis’ Great Divorce or Augustine’s Confessions or Rowan Williams on the Desert Fathers, and a host of things for inquirers and seekers, such a Rough Guide to Christianity, Thinking Allowed and Student Alpha.  Meanwhile Christian Union meets on Wednesdays to support people in mission. 

The Chaplain is often on hand but we also try to develop student leaders, so whether you’d like to lead or simply take part, come along and find out more.